That party-size bag of chips seems like a good investment until you're done with your and there's half a bag left over that can't be resealed on its own. for closing bags, but not everyone has those on hand, and they tend to be sold in sets, such as these . (How many open chip bags does a typical household have lying around at once? Asking for a chip-obsessed friend.
) To solve this conundrum, enterprising food influencers have locked into an oft-repeated hack: resealing your open bag with two straws. The bag hack isn't a new concept; while its full origin is uncertain, it can be traced back to at least 2015. In a video from Rumble.
com that is also found on YouTube, user illustrates how all you need to reseal a bag are two straws and a pair of scissors to create a "homemade Ziploc bag." To clarify, this test is trying out resealing a bag using straws as a homemade chip clip, not attempting . Resealing an open bag with straws takes practice We just had a party, which left three open bags of chips of various brands, sizes, and materials to volunteer for this trial.
Two types of straws were available: large milkshake straws and smaller bendy straws. Immediately, it was obvious that the bendy straw would not work on the party-size bags, so only the milkshake straws were used for two of the three chip bags. Following the steps found on Facebook and YouTube, we first cut one of the straws in half lengthwise, leaving it in one piece.
Then, we took an intact straw of the same size and.