
A mum who discovered she was pregnant just hours before life-saving surgery has shared the heart-wrenching story of her battle with cancer. Danielle Emery, a 39-year-old carer, who faced the agonising decision of choosing between her life and her unborn baby's, thought her sore throat was due to a cold. But as her condition deteriorated and her voice became strained, she sought medical help.

Initially diagnosed with laryngitis, doctors later confirmed that Danielle was actually suffering from laryngeal cancer. Faced with a terrifying future, Danielle found hope when emergency surgery was scheduled to combat the disease. However, another shocking revelation awaited her - she was 11 weeks pregnant.

This left her with the unthinkable choice of her life or her unborn child's. "There was a 99% chance I would miscarry as I was quite early on in my pregnancy ," the Reading mum revealed to NeedToKnow . "It was explained how important the operation was to save my life.

" She continued: "I had only a few minutes to make the most difficult decision I've ever had to make - but without me, there would be no baby anyway." Choosing to proceed with the surgery, Danielle was relieved to find it successful in removing all the cancer. Miraculously, her baby was also unharmed.

Danielle received her cancer diagnosis in April 2019. During this stressful time, her period was late, but she attributed this to stress. She and her partner, Tony, 39, hadn't been actively trying for a baby and while they were overjoyed at the news, it came with a great deal of uncertainty.

Tragically, the cancer struck again when she was six months pregnant. She confessed: "I wasn't worried about myself anymore, but I was petrified about the safety of my baby. She added: "I cried when I heard that it had come back, as it wasn't the news I wanted to hear.

I feared it had spread further in my throat, but luckily, it had just come back on the left vocal cord again. "I was very scared that going under anaesthetic again would harm my baby and I'd risk never being a mum. Being pregnant made me strong, though, and determined to fight the disease.

"I had to have more surgery, such as laser removal, which aimed to remove the cancer permanently. Luckily, my baby's heartbeat was strong and once again, I was given the all-clear." The family, filled with hope, then celebrated the arrival of little Callum, now four.

Embracing their new life as parents and cherishing every moment, things seemed to be looking up at last. But in June 2020, Danielle faced her cancer for the third time. She revealed: "I was devastated, as I was enjoying being a mum to my miracle baby.

" She continued: "I kept thinking: 'why me? Why is life so cruel to me?'. I thought I was finally getting my life back on track, but cancer was ruining it. "My biggest fear was my little boy never hearing his mum's voice and I couldn't look to the future, as I didn't know what it would hold for me.

" With doctors concerned about the relentless return of the cancer, they decided that removing her vocal cord was the only option. Danielle was warned she might lose her ability to speak permanently, but thankfully, her speech returned just hours after the operation. Celebrating three years of being cancer-free, Danielle has since taken part in Race For Life for Cancer Research UK and joyfully welcomed her second bundle of joy, Sienna-Rose, now aged one.

The grateful mum shared: "I'm sharing my story so others who have worrying symptoms will seek advice, get checked and won't leave it until it's too late." "Cancer kills, you lose loved ones like I have and I'm very lucky to be a survivor. I'm grateful for life and extremely happy to have two beautiful and healthy children.


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