"Disclaimer," the Apple TV+ show from Alfonso Cuarón, aired its finale this week. The story ended with a twist, centered on a sex scene, that turns the rest of the show on its head. Star Leila George spoke to BI about filming two versions of the pivotal scene.
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You can opt-out at any time by visiting our Preferences page or by clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email. Advertisement Warning: Major spoilers ahead for the season finale of "Disclaimer." "Disclaimer" ended this week with one major twist that changes how viewers consider the whole series.
The Apple TV+ show, adapted by Oscar-winning filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón from Renée Knight's 2015 novel, stars Cate Blanchett as Catherine Ravenscroft, a successful documentarian whose life unravels when she's sent a novel where she's the central character. The novel depicts a young mother's scandalous affair with a teenage boy while on vacation in Italy, and the ensuing tragedy that occurs when the teen drowns saving his lover's young son. The book, called "The Perfect Stranger," was actually published by Stephen Brigstocke ( Kevin.