
When you need a snack that's going to keep you feeling full and energized, don't overlook fiber. With high-fiber snacks, you'll stay satisfied while supporting your gut health. Not only does fiber help , but it also has benefits for heart health and blood sugar control.

Fiber also helps keep you feeling fuller for longer. So, if you need a satisfying snack to get you through the day, reach for something high in fiber, experts say. Soluble fiber slows down the movement of food through your system while insoluble fiber adds bulk, increases the feeling of fullness after a meal and speeds that movement up, Grace Derocha, registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, tells TODAY.

com. Together, these types of fiber help clear out waste, ensure the proper absorption of nutrients from food and help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels steady. Healthy, high-fiber snacks can also keep you feeling full — and come with for your entire body.

When you're putting together a healthy, filling snack, make sure you're getting a good helping of fiber along with other satisfying ingredients. "Fiber, protein and fat are to feel full and satisfied," Whitney Linsenmeyer, Ph.D.

, assistant professor at Saint Louis University and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, tells TODAY.com. When you're looking for high-fiber foods to include in your snacks, you should gravitate to plant-based foods because all plants contain fiber, Linsenmeyer says.


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