Actor Sai Pallavi is all set to make her Bollywood debut as Sita in Nitesh Tiwari’s mythological drama Ramayana, starring Ranbir Kapoor and Sunny Deol. On social media, rumors about the movie and its actors have been circulating. One of these rumors is that Sai Pallavi became a vegetarian in order to get ready for the part.
However, Sai Pallavi has firmly denied rumours. Here’s what she said In a strongly worded note posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday, the actor expressed frustration over the spread of fabricated rumours and stories and warned of legal action against those responsible. Addressing the claims, Sai Pallavi wrote, “Most of the times, almost every time, I choose to stay silent whenever I see baseless rumours/fabricated lies/incorrect statements being spread with or without motives (God knows).
But it’s high time that I react as it keeps happening consistently and doesn’t seem to cease; especially around the time of my films’ releases/announcements/cherish-able moments of my career!” She went on to caution media outlets and individuals, stating, “Next time I see any ‘reputed’ page or media/individual carrying a cooked-up crappy story in the name of news or gossip, then you will hear from me legally! Period!” The Rumour The post was in response to a Tamil daily’s claim that Sai Pallavi had given up non-vegetarian food to portray Sita and that she travels with her own team of cooks to ensure vegetarian food availability. However, It w.