
In an unexpected turn of events, actors Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora were spotted together at a recent fashion event in Delhi, despite rumors of a breakup. Several photographs and videos of Arjun and Malaika walking the ramp have circulated on social media channels. Although they arrived separately and did not appear on the ramp together, their presence together stirred interest among guests and netizens.

Arjun proudly walked the runway at the fashion show, wearing a stunning outfit, as Malaika observed from the sidelines. Malaika, on the other hand, walked the ramp alongside actor Rahul Khanna, Throughout the event, Arjun was also seen playing a protective role for Malaika, guaranteeing her comfort in the crowd. In the now-viral videos, he is seen sheltering Malaika as she walks by him.

The video Also read: Lady Gaga stuns in pink-black feature outfit as she performs at Olympics opening ceremony Speculation regarding the state of their relationship has grown in recent months, with speculations circulating about a probable split. Their separate attendance at the event and very little interaction with one another have simply poured fuel into the flames. Arjun and Malaika have always kept their relationship status a secret, relying on their deeds to speak for themselves.

So yet, neither has either confirmed or refuted the rumors surrounding their breakup. Malaika and Arjun started dating in 2018, and they have never been shy about revealing their romance in public. Several stories surfaced in May of this year claiming that Arjun and Malaika had broken up.

However, the two have yet to respond publicly to speculations of their split. Malaika and Arjun began dating in 2018. However, the couple had never revealed much about their relationship, instead tweeting beautiful photos from their vacations and wishing one another happy birthdays.

Malaika was previously married to the actor Arbaaz Khan and they have been co-parenting their son Arhaan since their divorce in 2017.

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