Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya’s highly anticipated film Sky Force was released in theatres today, January 24. However, a day before its release, Fighter director Siddharth Anand sparked speculation with a cryptic post on social media about “insecurity,” which many believe was a veiled comment about Sky Force. Siddharth Anand’s Cryptic Post On Thursday, January 23, Siddharth Anand shared a message on X (formerly Twitter) about “insecurities hitting a new low.
” He wrote, “Hahahaha!! Insecurity hits new lows! I feel so important today! Have faith in your own self! Come on, yo!! An old saying – Blowing off another candle won’t make yours burn brighter! But alas...
” While Anand did not provide specific context, social media users speculated that the post referred to comparisons between his film Fighter and Sky Force, as both movies are based on the Indian Air Force but feature different storylines. Fans and critics on Twitter were quick to respond, with many interpreting Anand’s post as unnecessary. One user commented, “There’s bound to be a comparison when two movies share the same background.
If one movie gets better reviews, have a big heart and appreciate it. Why be insecure?” Another questioned, “Who will win the final battle? Fighter or Sky Force? Let’s wait for the lifetime box office collections.” About Fighter Siddharth Anand’s Fighter, starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor, opened to mixed reviews but performed we.