
In general, herbaceous plants like a good, rich soil to fuel their annual growth of foliage, flowers and seeds, so it’s always desirable to improve your soil before you get planting by gently forking in well-rotted manure or garden compost. You can also add this after planting around the plant and let nature break it down over time. There’s an old saying, “spend a penny on the plant and a pound on the hole”.

Although inflation can be applied to the figures, the sentiment remains true — soil improvement will produce happier plants. Putting the right plant in the right place is also key to success with your perennials. Examine where you are going to plant — does it receive a lot of sun or remain in the shade most of the time? There are suitable choices for all conditions and we are blessed with relatively temperate conditions in Ireland to grow a vast range of plants.

Here are some suggestions for sunny or partially-shaded positions and next week I’ll give you some of my favourites that I have found work well in shady spots. Also known as Masked Twinspur, the dusky pink flowers on top of tall stems have an airiness and character all of their own. Despite its height, it doesn’t require staking and the very long flowering period makes it a good contender for your borders.

Plant in full sun or partial shade in moist, well-drained soils. Penstemons are easy to grow perennials and look absolutely gorgeous in full bloom with their big, foxglove-like flowers. They come.

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