
It’s often said, when you look good, you feel good. At Detroit Extravagant Academy, a well of confidence rose at the cosmetology school as many of the clients are bussed in from homeless and domestic abuse shelters. Others are merely struggling to make ends meet.

It’s not just about a new style or a manicure, these special clients are getting a new outlook on life. “It’s amazing,” said Courtnie Bailey, a hairstylist. “It makes my heart just warm.

” More than 300 women and foster care youth are expected to receive services for hair, makeup, nails and waxing during the day-long transformation. The academy partnered with its students, professionals, businesses and groups to donate time, services and supplies to create a full-service salon experience. “It doesn’t matter where you are – we can help get you where you want to go,” said Erica Graves, whose group Yung Celebrity Ryderz MC helped sponsor the event.

“I am my sister’s keeper.” When you meet the women in the room, one can’t only say beauty is skin deep. “It’s everything – it’s a beautiful thing,” said Gloria Glenn, a client.

“[I’m] just very happy to be here. I love it.” Next, the women go home with products and beauty tips.

“So, we’re not just trying to give you this look today,” said Fatimah Reese, the owner of Detroit Extravagant Academy. “We’re giving a look that’s going to last and we’re caring for your hair, teaching you to put makeup when you have an intervi.

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