
Published 6:15 pm Thursday, July 25, 2024 By topofthemorning In case you haven’t heard yet, the Natchez Convention Center has adopted a wonderful new marketing slogan that brilliantly captures the unique appeal of Downtown Natchez as a meeting destination: “We are Where You Want to Be...

All Within Walking Distance!” This slogan aligns perfectly with the overall mission of the Downtown Natchez Alliance, which is, simply put, to help make Downtown Natchez the place where everyone wants to be. I think this slogan is terrific, and coincidentally, the spirit of the slogan is the main thrust behind DNA’s ARPA Incentive Grant program, which is designed to encourage transformational streetscape changes downtown. This grant program may fund up to 75% of eligible expenses for balcony reconstruction, awning installation, or facade stabilization.

The purpose is to encourage upper floor residential properties, create shade, and reclaim micro-public spaces along the sidewalks where people can not only conduct business and enjoy outdoor dining, but also socialize and hang out. The program is open to all commercial building owners in DNA’s official downtown district. The application is simple to complete and can be downloaded at www.

NatchezDNA.org. The deadline for submitting a hard copy application is Friday, Aug 2.

If you have any questions, please contact Downtown Director Kevin Miers at [email protected], and he will walk you through the application process. Back to our convention center: Like our beautiful city, our convention center really is special.

While most cities’ convention centers are located near airports and off busy highways, the Natchez Convention Center is located right in the heart of our beautiful downtown, overlooking our scenic bluff. This affords a lot of great opportunities. For example, when I was attending the inauguration of our mayor and city officials a few weeks ago, right after the conclusion of the event, we simply walked down the street to Natchez’s newest restaurant for lunch.

No need to load into vehicles, cross highways, or deal with traffic, we were already square in the heart of our vibrant, walkable downtown. I’ve written about “Placemaking” as the transformation strategy behind economic revitalization of Downtown Natchez. On that note, DNA would like to invite you to join us for the Mississippi Placemaking Summit in McComb next week on Thursday, Aug.

1. Hosted by the Community Foundation for Mississippi, this one-day event will feature multiple sessions touching on placemaking experiences and techniques. Some examples of sessions include “The Transformative Power of Public Art: Tourism & Community Revitalization” and “Placemaking on a Budget.

” There will even be a mobile-session bus tour, exploring local placemaking sites across McComb. Registration is $50. We encourage anyone who is interested in helping us make “Downtown Natchez the Place You Want to Be” to join in.

Again, contact Kevin Miers at [email protected], or check out www.msplacemaking.

com. Remember, beautification is a big part of placemaking, and we are always looking for those volunteers who want to get hands-on with paint and plants. Also coming up, we have the Pumpkin Patch Festival and the Rubber Duckie Hunt, as well as Trick or Treat for Little Feet, to bring families to the heart of downtown.

And remember, your high schoolers get service hours when volunteering for DNA. In closing, I’d like to congratulate the Downtown Natchez Convention Center on all of their progress, and their great new slogan, but also congratulate the citizens and stakeholders of Downtown Natchez, together, we are truly making Downtown Natchez, the place where you want to be! Michael Wilson is the Community Engagement Coordinator for the Downtown Natchez Alliance (DNA). He can be reached at Downtown@NatchezDNA.


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