
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 Denver’s official tourism marketing organization, VISIT DENVER, reported a historic influx of 37.4 million domestic visitors in 2023, marking a 3% increase from the previous peak in 2022. This surge in tourism generated an unprecedented $10.

3 billion in revenue, nearly a 10% rise from the $9.4 billion recorded the prior year. “Tourism is vital to the Denver economy and we are pleased to see our momentum continue in 2023, especially after the dramatic growth we saw in 2022,” said Richard W.

Scharf, President and CEO of VISIT DENVER . “Denver’s tourism businesses, most of which are small and locally owned, rely on these visitors to fuel their success, which allows them to continue to hire employees – almost 66,000 across the metro area in 2023 – and to generate millions in state and local taxes.” (Employment figures source: Dean Runyan Associates 2023 Economic Impact of Travel Study) A total of 20.

5 million overnight visitors contributed significantly to this growth, reflecting a 3% increase from 2022 and resulting in $8.8 billion in spending, a 10% year-over-year uptick. The number of overnight leisure visitors reached a new milestone, climbing 5% to 17.

5 million. The visitor data, sourced from Longwoods International’s annual study, underscores Denver’s appeal as a year-round destination. The study, which has been tracking Denver’s tourism since 1994, is renowned for its rigorous, peer-reviewed methodology utilized by top tourism destinations worldwide.

“The 2023 study shows that travel trends both in terms of visitor numbers and spending are returning to levels more in line with 2019,” said Amir Eylon, President and CEO of Longwoods International . “When looked at in relation to other destinations, Denver enjoyed comparably higher growth suggesting that it benefits from its unique position offering visitors both sought-after urban experiences and easy access to outdoor activities.” According to the study, visitor distribution throughout the year was relatively balanced, with 23% visiting in Q1, 25% in Q2, 28% in Q3, and 24% in Q4, with a slight increase during the warmer months.

The research highlighted the vital role of Denver International Airport in sustaining robust tourism trends, noting that 40% of overnight visitors in 2023 arrived by air, nearly double the national average of 24%. VISIT DENVER, in collaboration with the Colorado Tourism Office, has successfully positioned Denver as both a prime destination and a gateway to other parts of the state. On average, overnight visitors to Denver spent 1.

3 nights, or 32% of their trip, exploring other regions of Colorado. Denver experienced a remarkable tourism year in 2023, attracting a total of 37.4 million visitors.

This included 20.5 million overnight guests and 16 million day trippers. The number of overnight leisure visitors reached 17.

5 million, a 5% rise compared to 2022. Visitor spending hit an impressive $10.3 billion, with overnight visitors contributing $8.

8 billion and day visitors adding another $1.6 billion. This marked a nearly 10% increase in total spending from the previous year.

On average, overnight visitors spent $427 per person per trip, with increases noted in every spending category: Outside of Colorado, the top states sending overnight visitors to Denver in 2023 were: The leading cities outside of Colorado contributing to Denver’s overnight visitors included: All of these cities are targeted by VISIT DENVER’s advertising campaigns. Denver’s diverse attractions drew many visitors, including: Shopping & Entertainment: Arts & Performing Arts: Paid Museums & Attractions: Sports Events & Activities:.

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