Demi Moore proved once again that age is just a number as she celebrated her 62nd birthday in style, showcasing her enviable bikini body in a sunny Instagram post. The GI Jane star looked stunning as she strolled along a tropical beach in a sleek two-piece, sharing the spotlight with none other than her beloved 2-pound Chihuahua, Pilaf. With the ocean waves and golden sand as the perfect backdrop, Demi cuddled Pilaf, dedicating the heartfelt post to her tiny, iconic companion.
"Happy birthday to everyone's favorite!” she wrote. “The icon, the cover girl, my everything @pilaf.littlemouse.
You are so loved! The pint-sized pooch, who has her own Instagram fan base, also celebrated her fourth birthday with a spirited post that read, "I AM 4 TODAY!!! I AM A SCORPIO — I AM A LEGEND. Love my hive #Pilafnation, pls comment your favorite pic of me!!" Pilaf’s popularity has soared thanks to Demi’s habit of bringing her everywhere – from Broadway shows to museum openings. "She’s been to Broadway, the French Open, art galleries, restaurants – everywhere," Demi gushed in a recent interview with Vogue .
"She’s a service animal, so she’s allowed to go anywhere. She’s flown to Europe 14 times." Demi even shared a memorable experience when Pilaf nearly got them thrown out of Vienna’s Sisi Museum.
"I’d forgotten to register her, and they almost asked us to leave until I found her official card," she said, laughing. "She’s seen Romeo and Juliet with Tom Holland, Funn.