A Delhi man shared an emotional life experience on his social media handle that left people happy on Sunday. My father was a watchman at ITC in New Delhi from 1995-2000; today I had the opportunity to take him to the same place for dinner 🙂 pic.twitter.
com/nsTYzdfLBr Aryan Mishra, who identifies himself as an astronomer on his social media post, said he took his father as a guest for dinner at ITC New Delhi recently and even shared an image of their special moment on X for netizens. Mishra’s visit to the hotel was unique since his father had once worked in the 5-Star institution as a watchman from 1995 to 2000. “My father was a watchman at ITC in New Delhi from 1995-2000; today I had the opportunity to take him to the same place for dinner :,” Mishra wrote on X.
The social media post garnered over a million views. Industrialist Anand Mahindra could not miss Mishra’s post and reacted to it and wrote on X: “Despite all the chaos that abounds in the world today, Life STILL is beautiful. And here’s evidence of that” Journalist Shiv Aroor said: “How lovely!.