NEW DELHI: Bharatiya Janata Party on Wednesday released a video accusing Aam Aadmi Party supremo and former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal of steering away from his old promise of living in a two-room house and building a "den of loot" as he came to power. Posting a video on the official X handle of Delhi BJP, the party said that the Kejriwal was busy gathering things for his debauchery in Sheeshmahal while the national capital was plagued by a pandemic like Corona. "There was a time when big promises were made to end the VIP culture.
One person entered politics, and the public, swayed by his smooth talk, crowned him with power. But as soon as he came to power, he shattered the public's trust. Everyone who considered him a common man was ashamed.
While talking about the common man, he made himself special and gathered all the luxuries for himself. The truth of this hypocrisy hidden under the guise of a common man has been exposed," BJP said. "The public has uncovered the massive loot under the name of a palace.
Yes, you guessed it right. We are talking about Arvind Kejriwal, who changed colors faster than a chameleon once he gained power. Kejriwal, who once spoke against taking a bungalow, built a 52-crore palace with the public's hard-earned money.
And not only did he build the palace, but he also furnished it with luxuries that even a seven-star hotel doesn't offer," it added. BJP alleged that the CM residence includes 5-crore remote-controlled curtains, a 1-crore rai.