So Chris Dehring is set to return to the post of CEO of Cricket West Indies next February. I will be happy to be proven wrong but I don’t see his tenure enhancing the playing stature of West Indies cricket even if his advocacy for individual territories competing in limited-over cricket (not Test cricket) is apparently intended to provide the sort of interest, revenue and other resources which could redound to the benefit of the regional Test side. For context, here are excerpts of what he had to say at a Kiwanis Club of Kingston event in November of last year: “I’ve been advocating for a long time that Jamaica needs to look about its own future because I don’t see the future of Test cricket, globally.
..when we look back on cricket we’re going to see two periods: cricket before T20 and cricket after T20.
“West Indies Cricket Board came together at a time that unity, that sort of camaraderie to compete against the Motherland of Britian and England was necessary, and it gave us all an incredible sense of pride and ownership of this thing called West Indies cricket. So we all love it, but the reality is that in today’s world, does anybody in Jamaica-- the Under-30 --even think about West Indies or the Motherland, competing against the Motherland, the importance of unity? “If US$100,000 is going to be split amongst the territories, you better believe all the territories are going to get an equal share. Which company do you know are going to share US$100,000 equall.