Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have introduced their daughter, Dua Padukone Singh, to the world, sharing the meaning and significance behind her name. The couple chose 'Dua,' meaning 'prayer' and 'love,' as a reflection of their gratitude and joy. Here’s a look into the heartfelt symbolism and cultural roots behind the name.
New Delhi: Bollywood stars Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have joyfully announced the name of their baby girl. The couple, who welcomed their daughter in September, have named her Dua Padukone Singh. On Friday, they posted a sweet photo on Instagram, showing their daughter’s tiny feet dressed in traditional attire.
In their caption, Deepika and Ranveer shared the significance of her name and why they chose it. Dua means “prayer” — a word that holds deep meaning for the couple. Sharing the photo, the couple wrote, “Dua Padukone Singh.
‘Dua’: meaning a Prayer. Because She is the Answer to our Prayers. Our hearts are filled with Love & Gratitude.
Deepika & Ranveer.” You must be wondering about the meaning and origin of this beautiful name. Here are all the answers to your questions.
If you welcome a beautiful girl into your home, you now know where to find inspiration. Here’s all about Deepika and Ranveer’s baby girl’s name. A post shared by दीपिका पादुकोण (@deepikapadukone) Meaning of the name ‘Dua’ Dua is a beautiful and modern name with Arabic roots, where it translates to “prayer.
” In Isla.