
On Sept. 11, a beautiful Wednesday morning, Windflower Garden Club members, Jefferson High School faculty and friends gathered at JHS to dedicate a sundial in memory of Sara Taylor Lueck. Sara Lueck was a member of the Windflower Garden Club and the previous librarian at Jefferson High School.

Her memory will be kept alive by the newly installed sundial and the 13 flowering shrubs planted in front of the library. Jean Slonaker, chairman of the project, began the dedication by welcoming the attendees to the ceremony, said, “I’m certain each of us paused today and reflected on the acts to our nation 23 years ago. Now we pause for a few minutes to remember Sara.

If you are here, I know she touched your life, and you are thankful for knowing her. Our garden club wanted to pay tribute to her as she always wanted flowering shrubs in front of the JHS library.” Recognitions were given to Mary Beth Group, JHS principal; Charity Marstiller and students; members of the Windflower Garden Club; Pam Hooper and Mary Milton, committee members; Ronald Slonaker, project manager; and Shenandoah-Potomac Garden Council, who was the source of the grant.

Marlyn Bisher presented a reading titled, “On Giving.” The reading reflected on Sara’s caring heart for others. Kevin Wilson was her first service-learning aide at JHS.

He was scheduled to talk about Sara, but due to illness, he was not able to attend. Jean Slonaker read his moving talk about Sara for him. Jean Slonaker then dedicated the sundial “In memory of Sara Taylor Lueck, whose life was filled with love and laughter.


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