
If you’re looking to play a more supportive role in Deadlock , Dynamo may be your pick. So, here is the best build for the hero. You may not be the star of your team when playing as Dynamo, but you’re most definitely the one who is keeping your team alive with many teamfight-winning abilities.

However, Dynamo can be easily countered if you aren’t paying attention. Still, he has the potential to carry your games if you play him right. So, we will run through how best to play Dynamo, some builds that we would recommend, and the ability order.

Best abilities to use on Dynamo Here is a rundown of Dynamo’s abilities: 1: Kinetic Pulse Release an energy pulse that knocks enemies into the air Level 1: Hit enemies are fire rate and movement slowed by 40% for 4 seconds Level 2: Dynamo deals 30% more Weapon Damage to hit enemies for 8 seconds Level 3: +125 Damage 2: Quantum Entanglement Dynamo briefly disappears into the void and then reappears a short distance away. On reappearing, your weapon is reloaded and has a fire rate bonus for the next clip. Can be cast with [self cast button] to also bring nearby allies and give them half fire rate bonus.

Level 1: +4 meter Cast Range Level 2: +25% Fire Rate Bonus Level 3: On reappearing, +120% base ammo 3: Rejuvenating Aurora While channeling, restore health over time to you and any allies nearby. Level 1: Gain +4 m/s move speed bonus for 8 seconds if Aurora is fully channeled. Gain instantly with 5AP UpgradeLevel 2: -15 second Cooldown Level 3: Full move and ability use and additionally heals +4% of Max Health per second 4: Singularity Create a singularity in your hands that pulls in nearby enemies and damages them.

Once it’s finished, enemies get knocked into the air Level 1: +2 meter Singularity Radius Level 2: +0.75 second Channel Duration Level 3: Singularity takes 3.8% of the enemies’ max health each second Here you can find the best ability starting and max path for Dynamo.

There is no objectively correct way, however, this is generally a good starting point. Armed with one of the best heals in the game, it’s important to focus on your Rejuvenating Aurora to make sure you can keep yourself and your team up. Maxing it out quickly will also let you use Aurora while moving and shooting which is essential.

Although Kinetic Pulse is one of your more important abilities, it’s best to just level it up by one to get the movement slow on enemies and then focus on your Aurora and ult. When it comes to engaging a team fight or even saving a fight gone wrong, Singularity can be that turning point as it has fantastic CC and can easily allow your teammates to wipe out the enemy team, provided you use it correctly. Related: Best build on Dynamo: Deadlock items explained We’ll divide the items into four sections; early game, mid-game, late game/luxury buys, and situational items.

The first three sections should give you an idea of the items you should be buying at each stage of the game, although if you’re fed you are free to start buying late-game items. Situational items are meant for specific scenarios where you need to start countering different heroes. So, here’s what you should be buying when playing Dynamo: If you’re just starting out and are still struggling to get used to Dynamo’s delayed projectiles when playing against long-ranged heroes, you should buy High-Velocity Mag to make it easier for yourself.

Since he excels in close range and you generally want to play mid to close range to enemies, Close Quarters is a must-get. Dynamo lacks quite a bit of mobility, so it’s nice to get Extra Stamina , although not necessary. Because of how squishy he can be it’s nice to get Extra Health , and Healing Rite as another source of healing for either you or a teammate.

Extra Charge is another must as it lets you have a double charge on your Kinetic Pulse, and Mystic Reach is also necessary so your abilities can have further reach. Pristine Emblem is a great item to get first to help your team start melting down enemies, and Point Blank is another great item to get since you’re most definitely going to be playing close-ranged. Improved Cooldown and Superior Duration are great since Dynamo’s cooldowns can get quite lengthy.

We like putting Improved Cooldown on Aurora and Superior Duration on Singularity. Healing Booster is a no-brainer cop as it increases your healing output by a lot and lets you be as useful as possible in team fights. Because Dynamo lacks mobility, Enduring Stamina, Superior Stamina, and Kinetic Dash are nice to have.

Majestic Leap is also another must-have as it gives you a way to escape tricky positions. By this point in the game, you’ll likely be the one engaging fights with your Singularity by teleporting in, so getting Unstoppable is very important since you’ll be able to stop enemies from shutting you down before you’re able to get anything off. This is also why Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor are great since they’ll give you enough sustain to dive right into team fights.

Superior Cooldown and Refresher are a must as they will let keep your cooldowns to a minimum, and Refresher lets you use Singularity twice in a team fight. Improved Reach is also a good thing to get as it builds off Mystic Reach and lets you use your abilities from further away. Spiritual Overflow is a great damage item as it scales well into the late game, and when paired with Inhibitor which slows enemies, it should allow you to have quite the lethal poke.

Since these items are situational, we’ll explain when you’ll want to use these items: Warp Stone: One of Dynamo’s weaknesses is his lack of mobility, which is why Warp Stone could prove useful if you find yourself in the middle of a dive. Hunter’s Aura: If you find yourself losing a lane Hunter’s Aura could help you bring it back if you find yourself struggling against an enemy. Divine Barrier: If you find yourself getting melted down while engaging in the mid-game, Divine Barrier is your answer as it’ll give you just enough time to pop your ult and for your team to clean up.

Restorative Locket: If you find yourself lacking in healing, Restorative Locket can help you out in topping off your teammates, or even yourself. Debuff Remover: If you find yourself with too many debuffs, especially when enemies are targeting you, Debuff Remover is a good thing to get. Metal Skin: If you’re up against enemies with massive bullet damage, Metal Skin is a great pick-up.

Using it right as you dive in so you can pop your ult is a great combo. Slowing Hex: If you’re planning on doing targeted dives, Slowing Hex is a great item as you can force enemies into fighting you at close range where you excel. Rapid Recharge: Since Rapid Recharge builds off Extra Charge, it can be useful if you’re planning on a more aggressive playstyle, giving you a third charge for Kinetic Pulse.

Curse: If there is a particularly fed enemy you and your teammates want to target, Curse is a great item to use on them and ensure they are helpless to your dives. That’s everything you need to know about playing Dynamo in Deadlock! As one of the best supportive heroes, you may not necessarily always shine, and at times may be the first to die when engaging the enemy, but you are absolutely crucial to a team comp. If you want to see how Dynamo stacks up to the rest of the cast, you can check out our tier list here .


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