
Cat lovers have joined forces to launch free online games to promote responsible feline ownership. Jane Phare finds out who’s behind Cat Angels Triumph. There’s a reason the online game Cats Angels Triumph is R13.

If players make the wrong choices – like an irresponsible cat owner would do – it could end in tears, or even death...

for the cat. The game designers, after consultation with vets and other experts, decided 8-year-olds might not handle dead cats too well, hence the R13 recommendation. Launched this month, the games have been created by Geo AR Games which creates educational games for government agencies, universities and 140 cities around the world.

Clients include the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa), the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the Earthquake Commission. Now they’ve included cat games in the mix. Players choose a cat character and are then faced with various scenarios.

The outcome for the cat depends on the decisions and choices the player makes. Never far away from the subject of cats is Anne Batley-Burton – aka The Cat Lady, aka The Champagne Lady, aka one of the stars of reality TV series The Real Housewives of Auckland . Batley-Burton is constantly advocating and fundraising for around 350 cats, many living in her “Pussy Palace” cat sanctuary at Goose Creek, her lifestyle property in Kumeū, foster homes, and trap-neuter-return colonies around Auckland.

She knows first hand what happens when people don’t desex their cats or lose interest in them..

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