
The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies is led by a DA member, who is influenced by DA policy. The DA’s ICT policy describes that the high cost of smartphones and mobile devices widens the digital divide. In the policy, the party outlines plans to either reduce or remove taxes from certain mobile devices in South Africa to reduce these costs.

Following the appointment of a national executive for the first time comprised of multiple political parties, someone other than the ANC will get a shot at running the country. With the Democratic Alliance (DA) now in charge of the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, we’ll detail some of the possible plans it could be working on in the next five years. According to the party’s information and communication technology policy , which will likely influence the decisions of Solly Malatsi, the newly appointed Minister of Communications, the DA seeks to bring affordable internet data, close the digital divide, and implement a digital transformation of government institutions, industries and the private sector.

Nothing here is brand new, and the ANC has been in different ways seeking to accomplish the same goals. Most recently it was revealed that the department under the now-Deputy Minister of Communications Mondli Gungubele was working on a policy to provide free data to all South Africans. However, one departure from the two parties, is that the DA believes that while getting to internet into as man.

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