
DanDaDan also known as Dandadan is another entry in the shonen anime genre. Based on a manga by Yukinobu Tatsu, the story is a genre-bending experience between horror and sci-fi elements. With short episodes of 23 minutes each, they pretty much follow the manga to a dot and keep the fast-paced story moving forward.

The manga was picked up by one of the well-known studios Science Saru and is one of the most anticipated anime of the year. Our early review confirms and the hype is worth it. Disclaimer: This review is based on three episodes of the anime series set to release on Crunchyroll.

The anime follows Momo Ayase a high school girl who believes in ghosts but not aliens along with her classmate Occult-Kun (Okarun) who believes in aliens but not ghosts. Both end up betting on each other to experience both phenomena to find out who is right. While Momo visits a well-known site for alien abduction, Okarun visits a tunnel known for paranormal activity.

The visits don't go as planned because Momo gets abducted by a horrifying-looking group of aliens and Okarun gets cursed by a genital-obsessed ghost called Turbo Granny. As possessed Okarun arrives to rescue Momo, the aliens accidentally unblock her chakras and give her psychic abilities. Together they defeat the aliens but still have to lift the curse.

The show there on follows the two as they continue and unwillingly explore more about the supernatural and extraterrestrial beings. SEE ALSO: Jujutsu Kaisen Ending Explained; What.

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