
Saturday, July 20, 2024 The Da Nang tourism sector is dynamically enhancing its offerings by integrating new tourism products and organizing events and festivals to enrich the visitor experience. The city places a strong emphasis on promotional efforts in established key markets and seeks to explore new markets to broaden its visitor base. Promotional activities offer significant opportunities for both local and international tourism entities to forge future collaborations.

During a recent familiarization (famtrip) event in Da Nang, participants from Da Nang and Indonesia shared insights, facilitated by the event’s sideline activities. According to industry experts, such promotions are crucial not just for showcasing the city’s tourism offerings but also for enabling related businesses to network and identify potential international partners. Since the year’s start, Da Nang’s tourism department has organized multiple famtrip invitations, enabling overseas travel service providers to explore the city’s attractions firsthand.

A notable visit was by a 35-member delegation from Indonesian tourism companies who assessed Da Nang’s tourism infrastructure, as narrated by Mr. Nguyen Minh Xoang, Director of Hai Van Cat International Travel Joint Stock Company. Xoang highlighted Indonesia’s potential as a significant market due to its substantial population and strategic importance in Southeast Asia.

Da Nang has introduced specific amenities to cater to Muslim travelers, including prayer rooms at various venues such as the Da Nang International Airport, which have been operational since early 2023. Establishments across the city are becoming more inclusive, offering Halal-friendly services to better accommodate these visitors. Mr.

Joseph, the Asia Regional Sales Director for Citilink Airlines, commented on the increasing appeal of Da Nang and central Vietnam to the Indonesian market. Citilink Airlines is discussing the possibility of initiating flights from Jakarta to Da Nang, planning to start with two flights per week by the end of 2024 and hoping to increase frequency based on customer demand. Further promoting its international appeal, the Da Nang Department of Tourism recently collaborated with neighboring provinces to host a promotional event in Taipei, themed ‘Central Vietnam Heritage’.

This event, attended by over 120 stakeholders including representatives from airlines and travel agencies, focused on tailored tourism products appealing to Taiwanese preferences in leisure and cultural travel. Upcoming promotional efforts are slated for Seoul and Busan, aiming to rejuvenate interest among South Korean tourists. A new campaign titled ‘Enjoy Da Nang Again’ is designed to offer memorable experiences for repeat visitors from South Korea, featuring exclusive discounts and unique souvenirs highlighting local symbols and attractions.

This proactive approach in promotion and market expansion is positioning Da Nang as a continually appealing destination for international tourists, eager to experience its unique offerings and warm hospitality..

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