
Friday, September 20, 2024 Cyprus is on track to set a new record for tourist arrivals from France, according to Deputy Minister of Tourism Kostas Koumis. During a series of important meetings held in Paris, where Koumis led the Cypriot delegation at the IFTM 2024 tourism exhibition, he expressed optimism that Cyprus would exceed the 80,000 French visitors recorded last year. This positive projection comes as a result of targeted efforts by the Cyprus tourism sector to boost its appeal to French travelers.

The Deputy Ministry of Tourism highlighted that Koumis engaged in productive discussions with key figures from prominent tourism organisations and airlines that operate flights and holiday packages between France and Cyprus. These discussions were crucial in assessing the current state of the French tourism market in Cyprus, with a clear focus on further increasing the number of visitors in 2024. The possibility of breaking previous records seems very likely, as the growth in French tourist arrivals continues to show significant upward trends.

The meetings not only revolved around visitor numbers but also touched upon the overall satisfaction of French tourists visiting Cyprus. The Ministry of Tourism is actively working to enhance the experience of French travelers by promoting more niche forms of tourism, such as cultural, gastronomic, and wellness tourism. This diversified approach is seen as a way to attract a broader audience and offer unique experiences tailored to the interests of French tourists.

In addition to focusing on the expansion of tourism offerings, the discussions also underscored the importance of maintaining high service standards across the sector. The Ministry has been diligently gathering feedback from French visitors, using this data to further improve the quality of services and experiences in Cyprus. Ensuring that French tourists leave with positive impressions is a key component of the strategy to encourage repeat visits and long-term growth.

As part of Cyprus’ participation in the IFTM 2024 exhibition, the tourism ministry hosted a special breakfast event that showcased the country’s rich culinary heritage. The breakfast featured a variety of Cypriot delicacies, an initiative aligned with the ‘Cyprus Breakfast’ campaign, which aims to highlight the authentic flavors of the island. This initiative was well-received by attendees, further promoting Cyprus as a destination known for its gastronomic appeal.

Cyprus’ efforts at the exhibition have been widely praised for their effectiveness in promoting the island as a top tourist destination. The combination of strategic partnerships with airlines and tourism organizations, along with the emphasis on unique cultural experiences, has positioned Cyprus to attract even more visitors from France in the coming years. If the current trajectory continues, Cyprus is well on its way to setting new tourism records while strengthening its presence in the French market.

The event saw the participation of several key partners and supporters of Cyprus, including Valerie Boned, president of the French Travel Agents Association, and Laurence Gaborieau, director of the IFTM exhibition. Their presence underscored the strong relationship between Cyprus and prominent figures in the French travel industry, highlighting ongoing collaborations aimed at boosting tourism between the two countries. The IFTM exhibition, held annually in Paris, is recognized as one of the most prominent and prestigious trade shows in the global tourism sector.

Each year, it draws thousands of professionals from across the industry, providing a platform for networking, business development, and showcasing the latest innovations in travel. Cyprus’ active involvement in the exhibition reflects its commitment to expanding its presence in the French market and strengthening ties with industry leaders. The report highlighted a remarkable 217 per cent increase in French tourist arrivals compared to 2019, showcasing significant growth over the past few years.

This surge reflects the growing appeal of Cyprus as a destination for French travelers, driven by targeted efforts to enhance tourism from this key European market. Following his meetings, Koumis remarked that the development of the French market in Cyprus had initially been slow, hindered by various challenges. However, recent strategies and collaborations have effectively overcome these barriers, resulting in a substantial boost in French visitors to the island.

This upward trend indicates a strong potential for continued growth in the future, as Cyprus becomes an increasingly popular destination for French tourists. Koumis emphasized the need to conduct a deeper analysis of the French visitor profile, stressing that understanding their preferences is key to maintaining growth. He pointed out that recent studies reveal a high level of environmental consciousness among French tourists, which presents opportunities for Cyprus to tailor its offerings in line with sustainable tourism practices.

This growing environmental awareness among French visitors signals the importance of promoting eco-friendly initiatives and responsible travel experiences. By aligning with these values, Cyprus can further strengthen its appeal to this market, positioning itself as a destination that not only offers natural beauty and cultural richness but also prioritizes sustainability and environmental stewardship. Koumis reflected on the exhibition’s central theme of green transition, noting how it aligns with the growing global demand for sustainable tourism.

He highlighted that this focus is increasingly relevant as travelers around the world, particularly from countries like France, are becoming more mindful of the environmental impact of their holidays. Cyprus, with its natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage, has the potential to position itself as a leading sustainable destination by promoting eco-friendly practices and experiences. He also pointed out that while half of French tourists still prioritize traditional sun and sea destinations, there is a noticeable shift in preferences.

An increasing number of French travelers are now seeking out more authentic and lesser-known locations, driven by a desire to explore beyond the typical tourist hotspots. This trend represents an opportunity for Cyprus to promote its hidden gems, such as rural villages and cultural sites, offering unique experiences that cater to this emerging demand. Looking ahead to next year, Koumis underscored the importance of maintaining the momentum achieved in 2024.

The impressive growth in the French market this year sets a high benchmark, and Cyprus is committed to sustaining this performance. By continuing to strengthen relationships with key tourism players in France and adapting to the evolving preferences of French travelers, the island can further solidify its standing as a top destination for both mainstream and niche tourism markets. In his vision for the future, Koumis stressed the need for innovation in tourism strategies to stay competitive.

He emphasized that Cyprus must keep adapting to the dynamic tourism landscape, ensuring that it offers not only traditional vacation packages but also sustainable and unique travel experiences. By embracing these changes, Cyprus can remain a preferred destination for French tourists, maintaining its success while contributing to a greener, more sustainable global tourism industry..

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