Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) outpaces the state in proficiency gains DETROIT , Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Academic recovery at a national level remains stagnant , and achievement gaps between poor and non-poor districts in most states have deepened since the pandemic. But many Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) member districts are bucking the trend and closing learning gaps for their students.
A member of CGCS, DPSCD outpaced the state of Michigan in reading proficiency gains during the 2023–2024 school year. A study of 8,000 school districts across 30 states found that DPSCD outperformed 82 percent of the large, urban school districts analyzed. DPSCD's ranking stands out as a particular success given that Michigan is one of the states where achievement gaps between poor and non-poor students is widening the most.
A majority of DPSCD's students (i.e., 83 percent) are economically disadvantaged.
"The ability to read by Grade 3 is a significant predictor of whether that student will go on to graduate from high school," said Rob Waldron , CEO of Curriculum Associates. "[DPSCD] charted a remarkable path forward for its students. We commend the district's exemplary work in supporting its aspiring readers, and it is our privilege to continue partnering with DPSCD to improve student outcomes.
" The average DPSCD student has recovered a quarter of a grade level in reading, with post-pandemic recovery in Grades 3–8 significantly outpacing state perform.