Community members are invited to pick the winner from the top five finalists in Piedmont Environmental Council’s 15th Annual Photo Contest, including an image of an iconic Culpeper landmark. The public can view the images and vote for their favorites through Sunday, Nov. 17 at pecva.
org/photovote . Finalists are: 1. “Culpeper Depot” by Thom Kaye 2.
“Looking down from Red Oak Mt. on Shiloh Church” by Luke Christopher 3. “Foliage Ripples” by Cassidy Girvin 4.
“Ragged Mountain in Autumn” by David Vinson 5. “Dark Hollow Falls” by Thom Kaye PEC staff and local professional photographers selected the finalists in categories of Beautiful Landscapes and Streetscapes, Native Plants and Fungi, Wonderful Wildlife and Youth. All finalists receive a one-year PEC membership and have their work featured by the Warrenton nonprofit.
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Winners in each adult category will also receive a $75 gift certificate to a nearby restaurant participating in “Buy Fresh Buy Local.” The youth winner will receive a choice of a $75 iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon gift card. “We were thrilled at the number of stunning images submitted to this year’s contest,” said PEC spokesman and contest coordinator Hugh Kenny.
“They help us tell important stories and connect people with this beautiful place in new and exciting ways. Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo.” Be the first to know.