Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s remarks on Dr BR Ambedkar have stirred a massive political drama outside the Parliament. Tensions flared on Thursday with both the BJP and the Congress accusing each other’s Members of Parliament (MPs) of “assault” during protests. In the latest development, the saffron party has filed an FIR against Congress MP and Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi for alleged physical assault and incitement during the scuffle.
This came while the police were yet to act on a Congress complaint against the BJP MPs who pushed Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge to the ground, causing serious injuries. The Delhi Police has registered an FIR against Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi based on a complaint filed by BJP’s Vadodara MP Hemang Joshi, who went to Parliament Street police station with party leaders Anurag Thakur and Bansuri Swaraj. In his complaint, Joshi alleged, “At around 10 am, I along with Mukesh Rajput ji, Pratap Rao Sarangi ji, and other Members of Parliament belonging to the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) were peacefully demonstrating," adding that Gandhi arrived around 10.
40 am and “forcefully barged toward the peaceful demonstrators" despite security instructions, which he said endangered the safety of the MPs. He also accused Gandhi and other opposition members of instigating physical aggression that led to injuries. “Mukesh Rajput sustained a severe injury to the back of his head, and Sarangi was hurt on his forehead,” he sa.