
Companies face many difficulties in their daily operations that can impact their productivity, growth, and success. One such challenge is when employees experience unexpected breakdowns in family care. This leads to stress, absenteeism, and the forced utilization of paid time off (PTO).

Employees have little choice but to miss work under these circumstances. There are solutions to address this issue effectively, and it’s what CorporateCARE Solutions (CCS) is best at. This Arizona-based company understands the struggles companies face when their employees encounter family care breakdowns nationwide.

In fact, 72% of absenteeism is due to breakdowns in childcare, and 45% of employed parents have missed work for this reason. Knowing companies can see a 60% reduction in turnover when Backup Care is implemented, CCS aims to remove the burden and stress from resolving urgent child and adult care needs by employing a proactive and professional approach. Prior to the pandemic, Backup Care has been viewed as a luxury or nice-to-have benefit.

CEO and Founder Sharon Lurtsema believes it’s time to shift this perspective and treat it as an essential benefit. Ensuring that employees can address family care emergencies without compromising their work responsibilities should be a fundamental support offered by employers. CCS provides technology and tools to support employers, employees, care providers, and caregivers.

All stakeholders in the care journey thrive from being connected to their Care-Tech innovation. With CCS, every user can leverage the efficiency of the platform for an unmatched care experience, resulting in a present and productive workforce. Employers who partner with CCS can create a workplace environment that demonstrates their genuine commitment to their employees’ well-being.

They’re able to attract top talent, retain valuable employees, and significantly reduce absenteeism by offering Backup Child and Adult Care as part of their benefits package, which can be deployed within 24 to 72 hours. For employees, CCS offers reliable Backup Care that ensures they can be present at work without worrying about their loved ones. The company’s intuitive, user-friendly interface and mobile application allow employees to request care in less than a minute, with real-time notifications keeping them informed throughout the process.

This is all thanks to CCS’ SHRM® award-winning technology, which connects all key players (i.e., the employee, employer, care provider, and caregiver) to facilitate seamless Backup Care.

CCS offers in-network and out-of-network options for Child and Adult care. The in-network option allows employees to select from a thoroughly vetted network of care providers who can deliver care at home or anywhere in the U.S.

This ensures employees can continue to be productive regardless of location. Meanwhile, out-of-network care, trademarked as My Choice® Care, provides the flexibility for employees to choose any caregiver from their inner circle or utilize any U.S.

daycare center. This is to accommodate personal preferences and truly meet employees in their comfort zone. Employees can access all necessary information through a personalized online portal and mobile app.

The technology contains robust on-demand reporting features, including care request transparency at the time of submission. This system enables employees to manage their care requests easily and reduces the need for missing work due to family care challenges. The firm provides national Tutoring Support services as well.

With this, CCS reassures employees that their children receive support for their academic endeavors. CCS also offers national Pet Care, demonstrating its dedication to catering to every need and every family member, including the furry ones. In addition to employers and their employees, CCS prioritizes the efficiency and effectiveness of care providers, driving end-user satisfaction.

It employs innovative technology to streamline the staffing process, allowing them to focus on the care needs of employees without distraction. With a nationwide network of premier care providers, the company ensures that the right caregiver is matched with each client. Essentially, the firm’s mission revolves around supporting employees, employers, care providers, and caregivers.

It reflects the philosophy of its founder, who believes that caring for and protecting loved ones is of utmost importance. “We know the words retention, recruitment, and morale tend to be overused, as they’re aspects every employer seeks to improve. For CCS, it truly is our purpose,” Sharon Lurtsema states.

Lurtsema has championed the company’s Pay-As-You-Go billing model to eliminate the need for upfront annual prepayments, which are common in the industry. This model ensures a zero-waste employee benefit, as employers only pay for the exact care hours—down to the 15-minute increment. It showcases CCS’ commitment to fairness and transparency.

CCS has also focused on strengthening its board with the addition of former Care.com executive Matt O’Connor. He has extensive experience with go-to-market and GM leadership in the HR tech and Care space.

With a highly successful track record in the Backup Care industry, O’Connor is excited to focus on CCS’ growth and development. Understanding todays workforce diverse requirements, CCS provides flexible care options to accommodate all types of workers and their various shift demands. This flexibility allows employers to choose what best fits their needs.

The company also established an immediate response policy that ensures all inquiries, whether via email or phone, are addressed promptly. Ensuring that all parties feel acknowledged and supported. Client testimonials perfectly demonstrate the impact of CCS’ unique approach and comprehensive services.

An employer shares, “I would highly recommend CorporateCARE Solutions as a great benefit for your employees. Our employees love the flexibility, and we have even been told that employees have taken a job with us because we offer this benefit.” On the other hand, an employee commends the personalized care the firm provides.

She highlights the peace of mind and joy that CCS caregivers bring to families, recounting, “My son just keeps going on about how much fun she [the CCS caregiver] was and how she might be a real superhero!” Care Providers also recognize the alignment of values and dedication to excellence that CCS champions. A care provider/agency owner notes, “As someone who values efficiency, innovation, and seamless user experience, I am delighted to recommend CorporateCARE Solutions. I am consistently impressed by their commitment to innovation, efficiency, and exceptional customer service to the companies and providers they serve.

” Ultimately, CorporateCARE Solutions positions itself as a forward-thinking leader in the Backup Care industry by delivering exceptional, flexible services that support employers, employees, care providers, and caregivers. Its track record of reducing absenteeism, enhancing employee satisfaction, and fostering a positive work-life balance shows its commitment to its mission of caring for all stakeholders. Building on this foundation, CCS will be adding premiere concierge services in the fourth quarter.

The upcoming concierge program will extend the company’s support beyond traditional Backup Care and will provide employees with access to the most robust life management support program available. This service is set to redefine the way employees manage their personal and professional lives..

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