In an interview with , he emphasized that COP29 is pivotal for drivinginnovative solutions to the global challenges that impact ourplanet. According to him, finding quick solutions to tackle climatechange presents a multifaceted challenge. "Nevertheless, significant events like COP29 serve as catalystsfor collaboration, which in turn facilitates the identification ofviable solutions.
Azerbaijan organized the event at a high level. This is thefirst time I have come to Azerbaijan. Baku is a beautiful city.
Ihope I will have an opportunity to walk around Baku,” he added. The 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFramework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) opened on November11. COP29, which is being held at the Baku Olympic Stadium, willcontinue until November 22.
It is the largest event organized byAzerbaijan to date, and the first time in the region that it isbeing held in Azerbaijan. The key expectation from COP29 is to agree on a fair andambitious New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climatefinance. A total of 14 initiatives have been put forward by the COP29Chairmanship.