
In an alternate version of the world that exists in Karen Russell's The Antidote , the Dust Bowl conditions that ravaged the Great Plains are attacking the region. But not everything is exactly the same. And the differences illustrate our world.

The little town of Uz, Nebraska, has been hit hard by the ongoing dust storms. Farmers have lost their land, the banks have collapsed, the utter bleakness of the landscape looks like a certain movie set before the tornado hit and a young orphan girl living in her uncle's house gets hit by a window frame. There are other characters that call to mind Baum's American fairy tale and the movie it inspired.

Witches exist. They take in secrets others than to tell them, with the stories living in the prairie witches. But neither they nor their tellers remember them.

One such witch, The Antidote, is forced by the local sheriff to take in memories that will keep him in power. He is cruel and a predator, including the witch as a victim. Although she doesn't remember what her customers tell her, even when they come to retrieve their memories, she knows they are there.

Until, after one especially vicious storm, they are not. They have disappeared along with the good soil. It's a secret she must keep to survive.

There are parallels between what the Antidote does and what a government photographer, Cleo Allfrey do. Cleo has been travelling across Nebraska. Her boss back in Washington does not like her work, especially the photos that include Black p.

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