Congress MP Manickam Tagore has submitted an adjournment motion notice in the Lok Sabha seeking to discuss the controversial remarks made by Union Home Minister Amit Shah regarding Dr BR Ambedkar. Tagore's motion calls for an urgent discussion on the alleged insult to the architect of India's Constitution by Shah during a speech in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. In his notice, Tagore called out Shah’s comments as offensive in nature.
He described them as a “deeply disrespectful” attack on Ambedkar's legacy. Speaking in Parliament on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Constitution, Shah had said that the frequent invocation of Ambedkar’s name by the Congress Party had become a “fashion,” akin to taking the name of God. Tagore's letter to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha described Shah’s remarks as an attempt to undermine Ambedkar's monumental contribution to the creation of the Indian Constitution.
ALSO READ| Constitution Debate: Amit Shah Slams Cong With 'Private Fiefdom', 'Dynastic Politics' Remarks “The Home Minister cynically dismissed the importance of Dr Ambedkar, stating that it has become a “fashion” for the Congress Party to repeatedly take his name, comparing it to the invocation of God's name. He further trivialized Dr Ambedkar’s monumental contribution by suggesting that those who invoke his name as frequently as the Congress does would attain “swarg” (heaven). This blasphemous statement is an attempt to undermine Dr Ambedkar's pivotal r.