
One of the joys of my life is spending time with my grandchildren. Another is church camp. They came together last week in a program called “Grand Camp,” where grandparents and grandchildren go to camp together.

The family unit is the cabin group, camp counselors lead the regular camp activities for the kids and all spend time divided by age groups for Bible Study each morning. I was the leader for the adults. As we shared our hopes and dreams for the week, group members expressed their hope that their children would encounter the love of God and Jesus in this beautiful, child-friendly community and that the seeds of faith would be planted in their lives.

About half the children don’t participate in formal Christian Education at church or school. Grandparents have many opportunities to share their faith and love with the kids, and this is a great way to do it while having lots of fun together. In this busy world where faith practices can be squeezed out by so many activities, a week like this can be an incredible gift.

I hoped the week would be one of spiritual renewal for the adults as well as the children, so I asked my group to reflect on what inspires them, fills their hearts with love and renews their spirits. Their answers included spending time in nature, being with others who share their faith and values, and joyful, hope-filled music and worship. Many of you may share their experiences of renewal whether in a formal church setting or not.

Each day we concluded our study by writing a blessing for our kids based on the scriptures for the day and the ages and individuality of the children. We shared our blessings with each other, then spoke them to the children at the end of the day in our bedtime devotions. Reporting back, the grandparents were amazed at the kids’ reception to those words.

Some kids wanted them to say them again. Some wanted to take the cards with the blessings on them home with them. Many responded with hugs and smiles.

One of mine said this was her favorite part of the day and asked if she could say a prayer, too. As much as I love camp, we don’t have to go to a particular place or be a part of a particular group to share blessings with each other. The experience of sending children out the door each morning with a reminder that they are loved by a parent and by a power bigger than themselves can be done in any place, using words of any faith.

Wrapping up the day by talking about where we saw God that day, praying together and blessing one another can happen anywhere. Surrounding our children with human love and calling to mind the gift of divine love can support and enrich every life. Even adult lives! May you be blessed to be a blessing to others! Pastor Melanie Martin-Dent is Interim Pastor at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Bonner.

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