
Buyers of the Gold Tower 1Sulaman expressing their disappointment with the abandoned project. KOTA KINABALU (Sept 18): Buyers of the ‘doomed’ Gold Tower @ 1 Sulaman are urged to reach a decision so that the project can proceed. The project was declared abandoned by the Ministry of the Ministry of Local Government (KKTP) on Nov 24, 2016.

It is understood that the project was initiated in 2009 and was slated to be completed by 2012. Unfortunately, the project came to a halt in 2011, with the Platinum and Gold Towers reaching 75 percent and 35 percent completion respectively. “The 1 Sulaman project comprises three blocks of buildings namely Wisma Sulaman, Platinum Tower and Gold Tower.

In November 2016, Platinum Tower and Gold Tower projects were declared abandoned by KKTP and six months later, the liquidator for the developer, Sagajuta (Sabah) Sdn Bhd was appointed to rehabilitate and complete the two projects. “Platinum Tower was completed and obtained Occupational Certificate (OC) on October 4, 2022. Meetings were held and chaired by KKTP attended by representatives of Gold Tower buyers and the liquidators UHY, which were later joined by representatives of potential white knight and other stakeholders.

“While Platinum Tower has been completed, this is not the case of Gold Tower which is still left abandoned without any project being made,” said Irene Vitus @ Caroline, a representative of the purchasers of Gold Tower 1Sulaman Kota Kinabalu. Irene said in December 2023, the committee had a meeting with the liquidator and potential white knight, which was chaired by the Sabah Local Government and Housing Ministry. “The liquidator forwarded a proposed scheme of arrangement to get the purchasers agree for an option similar to what Platinum Tower was offered.

While some purchasers of Gold Tower agreed with the scheme, many did not,” she said. Irene said the scheme offered was similar to the one offered to purchasers of Platinum Tower where a white knight will help to complete the project while buyers of Gold Tower will continue with the top-up sum. “But when we informed our existing buyers, most of them did not agree as they were not happy with the idea of the amount that was offered,” she said when met with some 25 buyers at the abandoned Gold Tower 1 Sulaman project here on September 15.

Irene said following the meeting in December 2023, buyers of Gold Tower set up a committee to reach out to as many buyers who they consider as ‘missing purchasers’. “Currently, not all the buyers could be contacted as they are not listed in the Telegram Group. Currently there are about 408 buyers in the Telegram Group,” she said.

Irene added that the Gold Tower 1Sulaman building was supposed to have 34 storeys with 950 units of residential condo and eight units of shop lots and car parks. “Our purpose right now is to get as many ‘missing purchasers’ because we don’t have any information about them and we are unable to move forward or make a decision for them. “This Telegram Group was set up for the purpose of calling all remaining ‘missing’ buyers estimated at 550 who have yet to register with Gold Tower 1 Sulaman.

“Buyers of the Gold Tower 1 Sulaman can register using the link: (https://forms.gle/zRURRinde Yo5QFnQ7). “We need the participation of the missing buyers to reflect the buyers’ collective decision and final say in the course of completing this project or proceeding with other viable options.

“It is our hope that the State Government, the Ministry of Local Government and Housing and buyers who have the experience and contacts can take an active role to resolve the issue of finding a white knight to complete the project or other viable options, including repurposing the site or working with GLCs or private sector partners to explore alternative development initiatives,” she said. Meanwhile, one of the purchasers, Felix, 47, said he bought a unit at the Gold Tower while it was in its early development. “I bought (a unit) because it was closer to a couple of universities as I was planning to enrol my children to either University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) or Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

“But until now this project has been abandoned and my children kept asking me when we will all move into our new home. “As a father, I feel bad as I can’t give them a nice home, which is not only closer to the universities and shopping mall, but also closer to town,” said the 47-year-old businessman who is currently staying with his in-laws in Penampang. Wong, another buyer, also expressed his grievance with the abandoned project, claiming that most buyers are left in the dark as to what is going on.

“My daughter bought a unit at Gold Tower back in 2012 hoping that one day she and her family could move in. My daughter has since passed away and her dream of owning a beautiful home was never fulfilled. “Her family still has to service the bank loan for nothing and also pay for their current home.

“We still do not know what is happening and we hope the government can help,” said the elderly retiree..

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