
AN inspirational little girl has honoured the memory of a loved one who died of cancer and raised funds for charity by taking on a big hike in the Lake District. Millie Denman, six, of Highwoods, Colchester, trekked up Cat Bells hill in Cumbria on Saturday, which spans 6 km. She decided to take on the challenge as a way of remembering her aunty Joanna Tester, who died due to blood cancer in January last year.

Millie was also keen to raise money for Blood Cancer UK after her dad Richard Denman, 42, helped raise £6,001 for the charity by taking on a 12 peaks walking challenge between March and August last year. Family - Millie, Keeley, and Richard Denman on the day (Image: Keeley Denman) According to Millie’s mum Keeley, 34, her “kind” and “funny” daughter was impacted by Joanna’s passing. She said: “Millie was five when Jo passed, she knew what was happening, and asked lots of questions.

“Jo was a teacher, she was always fab with her, although she was little and distance between them, they were close and enjoyed reading books and playing games during our visits.” On the day, Millie, Keeley and Richard set off on the hike at around 11am and faced blustery winds, rain, and sunshine as they ascended 400 metres up the fell. Stunning views - another photo of Millie and Richard Denman during the hike (Image: Keeley Denman) By 3pm, the family had climbed back down with an amazing sense of achievement felt.

Originally, Millie only wanted to raise £100 but is blown away by the fact she has so far raised £532. She said: “I want to say thank you to every single person that has helped me. Hikers - Millie and Richard Denman powering on (Image: Keeley Denman) “I loved it, I could do it two more times today.

“It feels really good.” Both her parents are extremely proud of her for taking on the challenge and raising money for Blood Cancer UK. Keeley said: “There was no moaning, she absolutely got on with it and she said mummy, ‘we did it’ at the top.

Beautiful - the view from Cat Bells (Image: Keeley Denman) A long activity - another image from the hike (Image: Keeley Denman) “It is phenomenal, we are so proud of her, the fact she wanted to do it, she did it, took everything in her stride, it is a credit to her character. “The fact at six years old she wants to do something for other people, she has got kindness in abundance. “It’s been about keeping Jo’s memory alive and about how we build resilience and how we turn a sad situation into something positive.

” To donate and find out more, visit justgiving.com/page/keeley-denman-1726345502914..

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