
Professional Call of Duty League player Thomas ‘Scrap’ Ernst has spoken out on the new omnimovement in Black Ops 6, answering whether he really thinks it will increase the skill gap that much between pros and casual players. is a first for the Call of Duty franchise, allowing players to dive, slide, and sprint in any direction, and keep their gun up at the same time no less. It likely means we’ll be seeing a lot more elite trickery from movement kings like JoeWo, Shotzzy, and Aydan, and most players expect to see the skill gap become even more exacerbated.

However, not everybody believes that to be the case, including Scrap, who was asked about it in a Q&A video posted on October 22, just days before the . “Honestly, I think the skill gap will probably be just like last year,” Scrap explained, referencing the departing Modern Warfare 3. “The best people are going to stay the best people, and the people you think aren’t so good probably won’t be so good.

“But I still think it’s going to be like last year. Last year there was diving, there was basically everything that this game coming up has, so I expect the skill gap to probably be the same, but some people probably think it’s going to be drastically different.” Elsewhere in the video, Scrap spoke out about his expectations for the upcoming season with his , which has been hotly tipped already to be challenging for championships all season.

Related: He also mentioned how great it would be to win for th.

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