
Key Points : ARLINGTON, Va. , Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, yes.

every kid. announced that the No More Lines Coalition, a group of nonpartisan groups committed to ending discriminatory public school district boundary lines by 2030, has expanded to include 50 organizations from across the country. In conjunction with this announcement, yes.

every kid. has debuted a new video that shows the criminalization of parents who have sought to enroll their children in schools outside their designated boundaries: " Parents Criminalized: The Hidden Reality of School Boundary Laws ." "Our coalition's rapid growth to 50 organizations demonstrates the urgency and importance of discriminatory school boundary lines," said yes.

every kid. COO Erica Jedynak . "We are deeply committed to breaking down these harmful school district barriers and creating equal access to the public education that best meets every child's needs.

No parent should be criminalized for simply doing what is best for their family." Why This Matters : Recent Policy Progress : Learn More : Visit yeseverykid.com/no-more-lines-coalition for more info.

About yes. every kid. yes.

every kid. supports policies that respect the dignity of every student, welcome innovative ideas and foster a diversity of approaches to learning. yes.

every kid. will support and build coalitions to advance new conversations and bold visions by bringing together differing voices and perspectives to revolutionize the K-12 education experience. About the No More Lines Coalition The No More Lines Coalition is a nationwide alliance of nonpartisan organizations committed to eliminating exclusionary public school boundary lines by 2030.

Rooted in the belief that every child deserves access to a best-fit education, the coalition champions policies that remove the constraints of government-imposed boundary lines, empowering students to attend the public school that best meets their needs, regardless of their ZIP code. View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.

com/news-releases/coalition-to-end-discriminatory-school-boundaries-grows-to-50-organizations-nationwide-302223745.html SOURCE yes. every kid.


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