
Jonny Gibson from Bangor explained how his project in promoting mental health awareness through his artwork using the mannequin, took a year to complete. It is his hope that it will inspire others going through their own mental health journey to look to art as a form of expression. A hand drawn pencil sketch by Jonny, depicting how music can play its part in maintaining and promoting mental health, was also gifted to the team at Ards Community Hospital team back in November.

Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Belfast News Letter, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more. “The mannequin depicts the emotions a person can go through and experience day to day. I love music and I took great pride in drawing and writing a range of song lyrics and inspirational quotes on it.

The piece is mixed with musical notes as well as numbers for mental health charities and organisations such as Lifeline, Samaritans, St Vincent de Paul and Aware NI,” said Jonny. Mannequins are fast becoming a canvas for a wide range of crafting projects from painting, mosaics and bead art. Crafting has been proven to help a person’s mood, improve self-confidence and reduce overall stress.

Jonny continued: “Mental health is an illness that shows no mercy. If I can help one person reach out for help, whether that be talking to someone or ringing one of the numbers that is on the mannequin that would make me really happy.” “I wanted to use the mannequin to, perhaps, inspire others to do their own project from scratch as I have.

This project, with the help of Chris McGuigan at Codo Drops, which provides positive mental health support through art and conversation here in Bangor, has given me focus. It would make me happy to see the mannequin around the towns, in the communities in Northern Ireland in the run up to World Mental Health Day in October.” Advertisement Advertisement Ards Community Hospital’s Mental Health Link Navigator Mark Cavanagh described how he has been working closely with Jonny for the past year.

“Jonny is an extremely creative person with such a love of music and going forward I suggested to him about tapping into his creative side and introduced him to Chris at Codo Drops and they set to work with Jonny decorating the mannequin and Chris spraying the colours. It was very much a lesson in, ‘all good things come to those who wait!’ Mark continued, “Jonny has really shown such determination and focus with this project. There has been such motivation for him to start and finish something that has been very close to his heart.

I have to echo how proud I am that Jonny has finished this fantastic piece.” “Mental health is a hidden illness in some regards and the importance of the mannequin is that it is so visual. It draws the eye in and it’s a really striking piece.

What Jonny has written on the mannequin is very important and it is my hope that we can take the mannequin on a bit of road trip, certainly in our local community and health centres.” Advertisement Advertisement Codo Drops Facilitator Chris McGuigan commented, “I find therapy within art and art is a massive therapy in itself. I think what Jonny has done is amazing and I was only too happy to help with the colour spraying.

It’s great to see the finished piece.”.

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