
Clogged heart arteries home remedies: Here are the top 7 red fruit juices that can help flush our bad cholesterol from arteries and thus prevent stroke. Clogged Heart Arteries Management Tips : Clogged arteries, medically known as atherosclerosis , are caused by the blockage in the arteries due to the accumulation of plaque a substance made of cholesterol , fats, calcium, and other materials. This buildup can harden over time, narrowing the arteries and reducing blood flow to essential organs like the heart, brain, and limbs.

Factors that increase one's chance of developing this life-threatening health condition include high cholesterol , high blood pressure , smoking, diabetes , obesity, and a lack of physical activity. It is important to address these risk factors with proper lifestyle modifications and medical treatment to keep the heart safe and functioning optimally. Clogged arteries , or atherosclerosis, can seriously impact heart health by limiting blood flow due to cholesterol build-up in artery walls.

Read on to know how you can easily manage this condition with a proper diet routine and naturally help reduce cholesterol in heart arteries. 7 Red Fruit Juices to Help Clear Heart Arteries Red fruit juices are both tasty and rich in nutrients and antioxidants that support heart health. These juices contain compounds like anthocyanins, lycopene, and vitamin C, known for lowering cholesterol levels and improving cardiovascular function.

Try to consult a doctor or a nutrit.

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