
High Cholesterol Control Diet Tips: Here are the top 7 purple coloured fruits that can help cleanse clogged arteries and prevent stroke naturally. Clogged Heart Arteries Diet Tips : A clogged heart, also known as atherosclerosis , is a condition in which the arteries (channels) through which the blood is flowing get clogged (narrowed) due to the excessive accumulation of fats ( LDL cholesterol ), restricting usual blood flow. High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, or 'bad' cholesterol, are the main reason for clogged arteries.

When LDL cholesterol is high, it can build up along artery walls, forming plaque that hardens over time and narrows the arteries, blocking blood flow. Purple Fruits To Clean Clogged Arteries And Reduce High Cholesterol Levels Now that you know what causes bad cholesterol buildups inside the arteries, let's talk about the remedies, and the diet tips that can help control this unusual phenomenon, and prevent heart problems. In today's article, we tell you the top 7 purple-coloured fruits that work great for cleaning heart arteries naturally and reducing high cholesterol.

They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, that promote better blood flow, and boost heart health. Blueberries are packed with flavonoids, that help improve heart health by lowering cardiovascular disease risk and blood pressure. Another purple-coloured fruit that is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and anthocyanins, is blackberries.

Regular consumption of blackberries can help lower cholesterol and support healthy heart arteries. Grapes are full of resveratrol, an antioxidant linked to reduced inflammation, better circulation, and lower cholesterol . var firstScrolled3 = false; window.

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Known for their fiber content, prunes can help lower cholesterol and improve digestion, which is good for the heart. Rich in antioxidants, acai berries are associated with lower cholesterol, reduced inflammation, and improved heart health . All the foods mentioned above are safe to be added to your diet when trying to manage high cholesterol-induced clogged arteries, naturally.

However, make sure to consult a doctor or a n nutritionist before making any visible changes to your diet and daily routine. Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.

Always consult a specialist or a doctor for more information on managing high cholesterol levels..

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