
Using a legendary card is a must now if you want to climb the ladder in . Choosing the right one is probably the toughest choice since some cards will complement your deck while others are so overpowered you can’t leave them out. At the time of writing, there are currently 20 legendary cards available in , and we are going to rank each one of them to help you make the right choice.

We’ll divide this tier list into five categories: S, A, B, C, and D. legendary cards tier list Starting with the S-tier, these legendary cards have the highest usage rate in Clash Royale because of their great supporting nature. Remember, you don’t need all S-tier legendary cards to make a perfect deck; rather, focus on the benefits that a single S-tier legendary card can provide.

For example, Mega Knight and Electro spawns with AoE damage, which makes them versatile against mini-troops. The majority of the A-tier cards are win conditions, and you shouldn’t hesitate to keep them in your deck. But you shouldn’t use these cards to compliment others; instead, build your deck around them.

These cards will suffice in the offense until you opt for a different rarity tank card with supporting S-Tier legendary cards. The majority of B-Tier cards are great at support, and you shouldn’t miss having them in the deck. These legendary cards greatly complement the A-tier cards and are very effective in battle.

The sole exception is Lava Hound, which is a tank; however, this card also acts as a complement for cards like Balloon since you can easily take an ultimate edge over your opponent. Except for the Miner, the players greatly underuse these C-tier cards. However, despite being a win-condition card, Miner is still not enough to take out an entire crown tower on its own since it has the lowest damage output among all legendary cards.

But he still made it to the C-tier because you can deploy him anywhere in the arena without any restrictions. You could keep these C-tier cards in the deck, but if you want to advance further in the ladder, then opt for higher-tier cards. Not surprisingly, Ice Wizard is the only card in the D-tier.

This card slows down enemy units, but it has no extra benefits. It has the second-lowest damage output among all the legendary cards and will die easily with a Fireball of the same level..

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