Google added a splash of festive cheer to its workplace with an ‘ugly sweater’ contest, and CEO Sundar Pichai didn’t shy away from joining the fun. Pichai posted images from the quirky occasion on Instagram on Christmas Day, when his jumper caused a stir due to its distinctively Indian association. Google employees participated in the competition last week by donning vibrant knitwear with a variety of seasonal themes.
The competition, which was judged by Gemini, Google's AI assistant, showcased imaginative ideas that varied from glittering patchworks to classic Christmas icons. Many contestants choose showy fashions, but Pichai made a subtle yet very personal option. He paid homage to India's long-standing passion for cricket by donning a black pullover with images of cricket bats, a cricket ball, and Christmas trees.
"We closed out 2024 with our first-ever Google-wide ugly sweater holiday contest last week. Gemini was the judge, and I have to say, it has good taste:) Congrats to the winners, and thanks to everyone for the fun end to the year," the caption of the post reads. Social media users were quick to spot the connection.
Comments flooded in, with one person writing, "I love your cricket jumper," and another, "Cricket jumper awesome sir." A common festive custom around Christmas is the "ugly sweater" contest, in which participants purposefully dress in gaudy and showy sweaters. Christmas trees, reindeer, flashing lights, and large snowflakes are common festive emb.