
I think my parents have to answer that because they did not tell me such.What I know is that growing up, I got to see angels appear to me in my quiet time and talk to me but I did not understand what that meant. Out of curiosity I shared with my mom, so she told me to pray and question them.

Sometimes I could not really behold their faces as a child but they tell me things in my ears and give me messages to deliver to individuals and If I fail to deliver the messages things happen. Then the angels came to scold me, telling me ‘but we told you to tell the person’. It was like a battle inside me.

So I kept speaking up to my mom and elders around me,they began to guide and nurture me. Sometimes my parents would make me sit in the church and when prayers are going on, they would ask me, ‘did God tell you anything to tell us?’ I would answer, ‘yes or no’. When God reveals things about a person, it could be something that an elder is doing that is not right which nobody knew.

Or you have a problem, maybe like a deep secret, as a little child, when God reveals to me, I would call the person and I would tell the person. Sometimes they are shocked while some understood God was talking to them.Through my primary school to secondary school, a Catholic seminary school then to a University and the present but I give glory to God.

It was not easy as a young girl, I could not do freely what other girls did or live the way they lived their lives. Each time I want to be free, I would be cautioned.Each time I want to live my life like every other person, I would be warned.

While others were playing I was focused on praying even up till now my hobbies are fasting and praying, I do not get tired of praying and I am raising my children that way. The gift requires prayer.That is what I love doing the most, prayer, it gives me joy.

I can pray from night to morning. It is not just something that I started to do.In my University days, in my room.

I had an altar where I prayed. Anybody that comes to my house, they always know this is my altar. I do not allow people to go there.

It is like a place I go to commune with my God. My calling is deeper than what I can explain to somebody. I cannot do an office work, I can only do business and my calling is first before the business, this is to enable me to go pray for people whenever the need arises as well do what God wants me to do for Him.

My life is tied to my ministry. I just have to do what I can in time.Anytime the call of God comes I am available.

Everything about me is like programmed by God. I cannot really do things I want to do.There are foods and drinks I do not consume because of divine instruction.

I am happily married with children and I know what I believe in. I did not marry just because I wanted to marry. I married someone that loves me and that I love.

I also married someone that has the fear of God. I do not think there is any man that is more handsome than my husband and I do not think there is any man that is more caring than my husband.Also, there is no man that understands me more than him and my husband is my best friend.

I do not give room for people to cross boundaries, I have limits to what I do with people.I know when someone wants to cross his boundary, I would not let you get to that point but would help you cut it off. It is also not by might it is by determination and prayers.

Most pastors, evangelists, prophets, etc face this temptation. Quote me right, 98 per cent of them fall. 98 per cent of them fall.

Some say they are deliverance ministers but when you are a deliverance minister, one thing you should run away from is fornication/adultery, it defiles the spirit of God in you. If actually you have the spirit of God. Those spirits you battle against can come in human form.

When they come in human form and they know that you are the type that likes immorality, it can easily bring you down. You are just at the tip of their fingers to bring you down.But if you can abstain from such you will go far.

Adultery/ fornication is very rampant in Christendom. You see a pastor of a church sleeping with his members.You see a prophet or prophetess sleeping with members- the people you are supposed to pray for, the people you are supposed to deliver, the people you are supposed to intercede for, the people you are supposed to guide as a shepherd, you are now leading them astray.

I have survived stroke three times. I tell people that ‘if I happen to die now, know that it is the divine will of God’ because I believe strongly in the word of God, I believe in the significance of prayer, and I believe in the power of God.I believe that He’s the only one that protects and that I will get to my destination.

Also that in all, I must keep my hands clean. My kind of prayer is that of equity and justice. In every situation God teaches me what to do.

I have seen a whole lot in the ministry that God called me. But He always shows me a way out. He told me that He allows some things to happen, so that I would know what He has in store for me.

God Has really been faithful. and Has never allowed the waters of life to overflow. Yes.

But that is not really the focus for now. Oh! I take good care of myself. My husband is a young man so I have to look good for him.

I love looking good but when I’m in for what God Has called me for clothes are secondary to me. Well, maybe if you meet me in the mood of prayer and fast, you won’t believe I’m the one because I fast a lot, one thing I don’t know how to do is to live a fake life. I understand most Christians, Apostles, Evangelists, live fake lives.

Be who you are, whom you must please is God Almighty, not mortals. I do not deceive myself. I take care of myself.

I dress very well, I like dressing very, very well. I happen to be the only girl among boys, so I grew up with the boys. I like wearing trousers because it makes me more comfortable and smarter, but I do not put on short things.

Anything I wear must be on my knees or very long. When I am travelling I wear my garment and anywhere I go to minister I wear it. If you invite me to a church and you do not want me to wear my garment I will not come.

He is part of the prayer team. I pray God bless my husband, he has been very supportive. Of course, where I have my prayer house, he is the one that gave me the support.

He understands my calling and has been very supportive. He does not complain.Sometimes I may run a marathon prayer.

Somebody may be in trance seven days and all through the seven days, I won’t sleep in the house, I will sleep in the tent. He wouldn’t mind and will always encourage me. Financially, he has been there for me, in terms of support, advice and everything.

The problem we have in our country today is the criticism of one another in Christendom, Christians criticize one another a lot- I’m of Paul, you are of Apollos instead of talking about one God. Who is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. There should be no need for a Pentecostal member to criticise a white garment member, or a Catholic/an Anglican.

No, there should be no need for that, we should work towards one aim, which is the salvation of mankind. My earnest advice to ministers of God is that they should come together in one mind and one spirit to pray for good of our country; to pray for the good of the church, of the society, of the world As for the fake prophets, prophetess, pastors and the likes who keep messing up members, defrauding them, saying what God did not tell you to tell them, you will attract the anger of God. The Bible says whatever a man soweth, he shall reap.

Be where you want to be. Don’t deceive people.If you want to be a herbalist, be a herbalist.

Why would you pretend and deceive people that you are a pastor? Let me tell you.I stand to say it, shoulder high. When it comes to Christendom, so many people that claim they are pastors, they are prophets, they are priests, 60 per cent of them are fake.

Some of them acquire strange powers and have turned church to business.They use their negative powers to say they are seeing visions for you and tell you things. So many of them are stargazers.

You see people, people have one problem, when they go to such people they inherit 100 problems.In my prayer group, I teach people how to pray. You can talk to God, pray for yourself and something would happen.

People should learn to pray and talk to God themselves. It is funny for people to ask what the church would do with such money.The money donated is part of the fundraising to execute some projects to commemorate the celebration of our ESOCS Centenary Endordement Fund(ECEF).

The most important is that the money would be used for what it is meant for..

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