
The future of Guam rests on the shoulders of its youth, and now more than ever, it is crucial for young people to step up, get involved and make their voices heard. Our island is at a crossroads, facing challenges that will shape its future for years to come. We need your energy, your fresh perspectives, and, most importantly, your vote to help keep Guam's spirit alive.

You might think that you’re too young to make a difference or that your voice won’t matter. But that couldn't be further from the truth. In every community, change often starts with the youngest members.

When young people come together to demand change, voice their concerns and participate in the decisions being made, that’s when real progress happens. If you’re a young person on Guam, your involvement can impact the issues that matter most, like education, employment, the environment, or cultural preservation. Cost of living: One of the most pressing issues on our island is the high cost of living.

Food and gas prices have steadily increased, affecting everyone, especially families struggling to make ends meet. When you go to the grocery store or fill up at the gas station, you can feel the pinch. This impacts the quality of life for many people, including your own family.

By getting involved, you can help shape policies that address the cost of living, ensuring that basic necessities remain affordable for everyone on Guam. Homeownership: For many young people, owning a home seems like a distant dream. The high cost of real estate and limited availability of land make it hard for local families to afford homes.

You may want to have a place of your own someday, a safe space to raise a family or build your future. Your voice can help advocate for policies that make homeownership more accessible, such as affordable housing initiatives, financial assistance programs, or responsible land-use policies. Health care: Health care is another key concern that affects everyone on Guam.

As you grow older and think about starting a family, access to affordable medical care becomes essential — not just for you, but for your loved ones as well. Many people on Guam struggle with the cost of medical services, prescription medications and long-term care for aging parents. By getting involved, you can advocate for a health care system that prioritizes the well-being of all residents, ensuring that families have the support they need.

Impact of military buildup: The military buildup on Guam promises more jobs and money, but it also raises questions about how this influx of people will affect our natural resources. More people mean a greater demand for water, electricity, food and housing. It increases pressure on our environment, from beaches to forests.

Does Guam have the capacity to handle this kind of growth sustainably? Your vote can help drive policies that promote sustainable growth, ensuring Guam’s natural beauty and resources are protected for future generations. Economic growth and small businesses: Economic growth is another area where your involvement can make a difference, especially in starting a small business. Many young people dream of owning a business, but government policies and red tape can make that difficult.

The process can be complex, with lengthy permitting procedures and taxes that can overwhelm new entrepreneurs. Simplifying these processes could open up more opportunities for small business growth, stimulating the economy and creating jobs. Your voice can advocate for streamlined business regulations, financial support for local startups and training programs for young entrepreneurs.

Why your vote matters: The people you elect into office make decisions that affect not only our lives today but also future generations. This isn’t just about the present; it’s about paving a way that encourages people to stay on the island. Too many families are moving off island for better health care, education and job opportunities.

Why should it be this way? We have the power to change the island's direction, but it starts with you. Vote differently this election and help shape a future where staying home means a life of opportunity and prosperity. Get involved: It's essential to understand how these issues affect our island's future and realize that your involvement can influence the direction we take.

Voting is more than just a civic duty; it's a way to stand up for what you believe in and ensure our leaders focus on the issues that matter most. But being involved doesn't stop at the ballot box. Start by learning about these issues and how they affect daily life.

Join community discussions and volunteer with organizations focused on these concerns. These actions can give you firsthand knowledge of the challenges and potential solutions. If you’re ready to make a difference, register to vote at https://gec.

guam.gov/register/ . Keep in mind that the last day to register for the general election is Oct.

22. Unsure of your registration status or need to find your precinct? You can check here at https://gec.guam.

gov/validate/ . Your future, your choice: Sitting on the sidelines and hoping for change is not enough. Guam needs your voice, your ideas and your passion to tackle the challenges we face.

When young people take ownership of their role in the community, they help preserve the island's soul, ensuring that Guam remains vibrant and thriving for generations. So, let’s take that first step. Register to vote, stay informed, and encourage others to do the same.

Guam is more than just a place; it’s our home, and it’s worth fighting for. Choosing not to vote means choosing to let others shape your future. Let’s work together to keep Guam's spirit alive.

Vincent Borja is a Republican candidate for a seat on the 38th Guam Legislature..

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