
Save articles for later Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Ross Gittins is spot on when he suggests that China would enjoy usurping the US in the move to renewables (“ Trump leaves China to save planet ”, November 20). Its rapid transition to solar and wind farms to reduce air pollution and presumably electricity costs is facilitated by their manufacturing capacity, absence of community consultation and restrictive regulation.

In addition, there is a strategic imperative. China is projected to considerably reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Australia, on the other hand, through its substantial exports of fossil fuels, will remain a major contributor to global warming and sea level change.

Pacific Islanders, whose very existence is under threat, may well include this in determining their allegiance. Roger Epps, Armidale Trump leaves China to save the planet Credit: Simon Letch With so much bad news about China, it is encouraging to read that it is a world leader in lowering carbon emissions, the biggest long-term threat to the planet. Andrew Macintosh, Cromer If Trump chooses to bury his head in the sand regarding rising sea levels, he might have to rename his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lagoon .

John Swanton, Coogee The graphs of greenhouse gas emissions for countries with various average income levels show some worrying trends. (“ The curve which (partially) explains Australia’s climate future ”, smh.com.

au , November 19). The wealthiest countr.

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