
Saturday, August 17, 2024 Mr. Li Xuda, Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy and Director of the China Cultural Center in Nigeria, emphasized the strategic importance of utilizing tourism volunteers to enhance the tourism sector. His remarks were made during the “Nihao China” Tourism Course 2024, held on a Friday in Abuja.

According to Li, the effective deployment of tourism volunteers could significantly strengthen the bilateral cooperation between Nigeria and China, fostering deeper ties and mutual understanding between the two nations. Li highlighted the role of cultural and tourism exchange in social progress and national development. He noted that both China and Nigeria are cultural giants with ancient civilizations and rich tourism resources.

To narrate this story effectively on a global stage, he underscored the need to harness the power of tourism volunteers. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has recognized tourism as one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industries, making it an essential area for strategic development in both countries. Li also commended the Nigerian Tourism Volunteers Network for its valuable contributions to the Nigerian tourism industry.

He acknowledged the network’s efforts in improving Nigeria’s global image, which has had a positive impact on how the country is perceived internationally. This recognition suggests that tourism volunteers play a critical role in not only promoting tourism but also in strengthening diplomatic relations and cultural exchange between countries. Investment in Capacity Building and Addressing Language Barriers Mrs.

Nenadi Dogo, Acting Director of the Tourism Department at the Social Development Secretariat, FCTA, highlighted the importance of investing in capacity building within the tourism sector. She noted that such investments would not only elevate the quality of tourism services but also ensure that efforts in fostering friendship between nations are both successful and sustainable. Dogo pointed out that to fully unlock the benefits of this cultural exchange, the language barrier between China and Nigeria must be addressed.

Drawing a parallel with the historic Silk Road, Dogo suggested that just as this ancient trade route connected diverse civilizations, a shared language and mutual understanding are necessary to bridge the gap between China and Nigeria. She expressed optimism that soon, many Chinese visitors would be able to greet Nigerians in local languages, such as “Barka da dai Nigeria,” “Ba woni Nigeria,” or “Kedu Nigeria.” This vision reflects the broader goal of deepening cultural ties through better communication and understanding, which could significantly enhance the travel experience for tourists from both nations.

Strategic Collaboration and Its Potential for Positive Change Phil Roberts, Director of the Tourism Volunteers Network, described the collaboration with China as a strategic step towards harnessing the transformative potential of cultural exchange through volunteers. He explained that by combining the passion for volunteerism with China’s rich cultural heritage, there is an opportunity to create a catalyst for positive change in Africa. This collaboration is seen as a vital component in building stronger cultural ties and promoting mutual respect between the two regions.

The integration of tourism volunteers in such cultural exchanges is likely to have a profound impact on the global travel industry. As more countries recognize the value of volunteerism in tourism, this model could be adopted widely, leading to a more connected and culturally enriched global community. Furthermore, the collaboration between Nigeria and China serves as a blueprint for how other nations might approach bilateral cooperation in tourism, with an emphasis on mutual benefits and cultural respect.


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