Nita Ambani was recently spotted visiting a high-end textile boutique in Bengaluru, creating a buzz among fans and onlookers. The chairperson of Reliance Foundation made an appearance at The House of Angadi , a luxury brand known for its exquisite handloom sarees, premium textiles, and curated ethnic attire. Videos posted by a fan page on Instagram captured her arrival at the iconic store, where she was escorted under tight security.
Before entering, Nita greeted her fans with a warm wave, adding to the excitement. Nita Ambani’s Elegant Ensemble For her visit to the boutique, Nita Ambani chose a navy blue floral co-ord set that epitomized refined elegance. Her outfit featured a tailored blouse paired with matching trousers, both embellished with intricate white floral embroidery.
The blouse was designed with a collared neckline, full-length sleeves with buttoned cuffs, front button closures, and a gracefully curved high-low hem. The trousers mirrored the delicate floral patterns, boasting a flared cut and a high-ankle hemline. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ambani Family (@ambani_update) She accessorized her chic attire with stylish block heels, minimalistic earrings, a classic watch, and a bracelet.
Her hair, styled in loose waves with a side parting, complemented her understated yet polished look. For makeup, she opted for a subtle palette, highlighting rose-pink lips, mascara-enhanced lashes, and a naturally radiant complexion. The ensemble beautifully bala.