
Anna Ryder Richardson has been through "the worst time" since her marriage ended. The 60-year-old presenter tied the knot with Colin MacDougall - with whom she has daughters Bibi, 22, and 21-year-old Dixie - in 2005 but called time on their marriage in 2018 and admitted as they prepare for the divorce to be finalized, she has been in a "horrid limbo" ever since the initial split. Speaking on the 'How To Be 60' podcast, she told Loose Women anchor Kaye Adams: "I am enjoying a bit of celibacy, to be honest.

..but we've dived straight in there, haven't we? I'm officially still married for another few weeks.

" "It's been probably the worst time, I think. It's actually been going on such a long time. Have I wasted all that time? Being in this horrid limbo and control and not really living my life, even though I look like them.

" "Every cloud has a very big silver lining. That's the way I've always looked at everything. You always have to look for the positives.

I'm really lucky, even if when I look back, it's been pretty unlucky and pretty vile. But I think I still would say that I'm a survivor, without a doubt." Meanwhile, the former 'Changing Rooms' host reached her milestone birthday in January and initially didn't want to make a fuss but her friends and daughters insisted that they go out to celebrate.

She said: "Yes, I've turned 60 and like a lot of women, or a lot of people out there, I didn't really want to shout that from the rooftops. 50 we're kind of okay with but 60?! "When I was young, 60 was virtually walking around with a walking stick. But my friends were like 'No, we're gonna celebrate', my girls were like 'We're wanna celebrate, come on, let's go out.

There wasn't a huge amount of us.".

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