The Congress on Thursday alleged that social media platform X (formerly Twitter) told them that the Union ministry of home affairs, through the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), and the IT ministry asked them to remove a video of home minister Amit Shah’s remarks on BR Ambedkar, saying that it violated Indian laws. The platform also told Congress that it had not taken any action on the post. Congress’s Supriya Shrinate said the party’s official handle and party leaders, including herself, had received the email on Wednesday evening.
“It allegedly says that we violated certain laws. I fail to understand which laws were violated,” she said. Congress did not give names of other leaders who have received the emails from X despite HT’s queries.
According to the email sent by [email protected] on December 18 at 7:43 pm to the email address linked to the Congress’s official handle, the subject read ‘X Receipt of Correspondence’. “In the interest of transparency, we are writing to inform you that X has received a request from the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India regarding your X account, @INCIndia, that claims the following content violates the law(s) of India,” the email said, giving the link to the tweet.
The tweet in question had a 12-second clip of Shah’s speech delivered in Rajya Sabha on December 17 at 7:45 pm, in which the Union minister said in Hindi, “Sir, these days, it is fas.