
Former Coronation Street star Helen Flanagan giggles as she cosies up to musician Jamelia , Married At First Sight UK’s Ella Morgan and Gogglebox’s Stephen Webb on the Celebs Go Dating sofa. Meanwhile, influencer Lauryn Goodman stands behind, rubbing shoulders with cheeky chaps Made in Chelsea’s Tristan Phipps and Love Island’s Chris Taylor – who can’t help but mess about. “Stop getting your nipple out, Chris!” the photographer laughs.

The sparkling line-up of reality stars has gathered at the E4 show’s London agency for OK!’s exclusive shoot, teasing what’s in store for the upcoming series. Ella, 30, is making history as the show’s first transgender dater and Helen, 34, is ready to date after splitting from her ex fiancé Scott Sinclair two years ago . Stephen, 53, is polishing up his dating skills after divorcing his co-star Daniel Lustig-Webb while Jamelia, 43, looks for love after a “catastrophic” break-up and Tristan, 29, and Chris, 34, are hoping they’ll finally find long-term romance.

Meanwhile, Lauryn, 33, joins half way through the show and hopes to get her “mojo” back after clashing with footballer Kyle Walker, the father of her two kids, in court over child maintenance payments. With emotional breakthroughs, awkward dates and threats of quitting ahead, the Celebs Go Dating 2024 stars reveal why they’re looking for love and what they got up to on the E4 show. Celebs Go Dating premieres Monday 19 August at 9pm on E4.

Celebs Go Dating airs Monday to Thursday for five weeks. Why Celebs Go Dating? It came at a good time - I had lost myself and with my son Kairo, it took me a long time to get myself back so I thought joining the agency would get me out of my comfort zone. My kids come first and I do everything with them so I don’t have time to date outside of that.

What has your dating history been like? It’s a mixed bag. I was with somebody for seven years - I lived with him. People say my type is narcissistic, a walking red flag, but I go off of energy.

I’m always friends with the person first and it develops into more. How are you feeling after losing your child maintenance battle against footballer Kyle Walker, the father of your children Kairo, 4, and Kinara, one? I’m actually fine. It is frustrating because I would rather draw a line under it as I don’t want to be sucked into negative energy.

I just want to move forward with my kids. Not any of us are innocent adult-wise, there’s more to the story than anyone knows. As long as I’m a good mum and I put my children first, then my conscience is clear.

One of the things people would say is, 'you could get a job.' I do have a job. I work.

I'm posting that I'm at work and people say, 'Get a job.' I'm filming today. I work so that I , too, can contribute to my children because I want to have that feeling that I've done that for my children.

I’m their sole carer and I want to be able to provide things for them - I took Kairo to the Maldives while I was pregnant with Kinara, and that was nothing to do with their father. They’re my drive and they’ve given me the strength to go at this. I want to create a future for me and the children so we’re not controlled by anything.

How do you find dating with two kids? It’s impossible - that’s why I haven’t been able to date! I’ve only been able to date through this process because it’s a TV job and I can make time to work. I’m still breastfeeding Kinara and when that journey is finished, I can put my dating more at the forefront. How did you find dating on the show? I’ve started to get my confidence back.

I’ve been a shell of myself recently and there’s been so much negativity aimed at me, it’s hard to think of yourself in a positive light. Through this, I’ve turned my light back on for dating and people are starting to reach out and show interest in me so that’s been nice. Who were you closest to in the cast? I connected with Helen as she’s been through similar traumas and experiences to me.

She knew the pain that I’d felt - I was grateful for her. Why Celebs Go Dating? I didn’t want to bracket myself as someone who goes on dating shows, but I do want to meet somebody and it’s hard to date as a trans person. For years I didn’t think I would get to transition or still be alive so I take every opportunity that comes my way.

How did it compare to MAFS? I loved MAFS but I am leaving CGD the best version of myself that I’ve ever been. When I did MAFS, I found out afterwards that very few men ticked that they would be with a trans woman, which is why I married someone pansexual on the show. There were no straight cisgender guys that would be with me and I think me getting with JJ [Slater] on MAFS was a big deal because he was straight.

I think because of that, everyone that I dated on Celebs Go Dating has been straight and cisgender, which is my preference. In one of my therapy sessions, expert Anna [Williamson] said, 'What you've done for this community shows that you've got loads of guys that would like to date you,' and I was like, 'Maybe it has changed the way people see trans woman,' so I think it's amazing. It was scary at the first mixer because I didn’t know when to tell them that I am trans - what if they reject me on TV? But these were all conversations that will be really educational.

This show was life-changing. What was your toughest time on the show? I wanted to quit during the first brunch. You’re faced with the brutal truth of, ‘You said this,’ or ‘you did that.

’ I was like, ‘I can’t do this.’ But I don’t give up on anything. And what was the highlight for you? Meeting Stephen! We’re like Sam Thompson and Pete Wicks but crazier.

He’s the first guy to make me belly laugh other than my dad. I’m walking away with a best friend! Why Celebs Go Dating? I’ve just come out of an 11-year relationship [with Gogglebox co-star Daniel Lustig-Webb]. I’m rusty and I wanted to get back on the dating scene.

Plus, I’ve had the biggest glow-up. Eight months ago, I was probably two and half stone heavier. I was low for a long time after losing my mum Pat and dad in the same year and then my marriage ending.

But I’m ready to crack on. Did you tell Daniel you were going on the show? I said to him, ‘If you don’t want me to do it, I won’t do it,’ as we had been broken up for eight months but he said, ‘Do it, I think it would be really good for you.’ He’s been so supportive.

We’re still living together because we’re trying to sell our apartment - he does the cooking and I do the washing so I’m still washing his pants. How did you find dating? My first dates were a disaster. I was overcome with nerves and overcompensating by saying outrageous things.

I learnt at the agency that I need to stop relying on making people laugh all the time and just be authentic. What was your biggest challenge on the show? Ignoring my inner saboteur. Also, I thought I would sail through the process without revealing the true me but you’re at the agency for twelve weeks and you can’t keep that up.

The last year has been awful and I pushed those feelings down. I spoke about it in the sessions and now my chest isn’t as heavy. Would you go back to Gogglebox? They did ask me back when I broke my ankle on Dancing on Ice and couldn’t do the live shows.

I said maybe I’ll come back for the celebrity version with Ella! But I would rather do the civilian version because the cast are like my family. Why Celebs Go Dating? I love the show and I was asked before when I had just split up with my ex fiancé [footballer Scott Sinclair] but I wasn’t in the right mind space. I’ve been single for two years and I really wanted to do it.

How did you prepare yourself to return to dating? I struggled with my mental health earlier this year - I couldn’t do my theatre tour- of Cluedo 2 in January so I was gutted. I took two months away from social media, I had some therapy and got myself in a better headspace. How have you found dating with young kids? I’m a single mum of three and their daddy lives in Bristol so we live five hours away from each other.

But I get on very well with his mum Sally, which makes life so much easier so we communicate through our parents. My mum is a fantastic help and I do have a nanny. Everything’s a juggle but I’m very lucky I have supportive grandparents on each side.

What did you ask the experts for? I haven’t got a type but I like funny guys. I’m not into bad boys, I’ve done that. What do you want to do next? I really want to get back into acting.

I am a mummy so I always consider my children before I take jobs on. I would never say never when it comes to Corrie but the filming schedule could be quite intense for my little boy at the moment. I’d love to return at some point.

Why Celebs Go Dating? I’ve been single for two and a half years and my last relationship ended catastrophically. I’m at a point where I’m really happy, I’ve recovered from that experience and I thought, ‘I’d love to go on a date!’ What is your dating history like? I’m a serial monogamist. I’ve had three long-term relationships, two marriages and four children.

My vulnerabilities have allowed me to end up in relationships that have really harmed me - but I’m leaving this series feeling empowered. What did you learn from the dating agents? I realised that I was choosing men as the little girl that didn’t get picked up by her dad, so many things were linked back to my childhood. I’m over that now and I know that I am worthy of great love.

The agents have changed my life. My exes couldn’t even talk to me now! What surprised you the most about the show? When you’re a single mum, you think, ‘who is going to want me now?’ But there are so many guys who want you. I can’t wait for other single mums to see my journey and realise it’s more about who you are and how you present yourself.

I get chatted up all the time now! How is dating with four kids? My youngest is still a toddler but we’ve moved to Dubai so it’s actually been fine on the show. I’ve been back and forth to Dubai and it’s the first time I’ve spent this much time away from my children, but it’s served me and them well. It’s empowering for all of us to gain independence.

Even my six year old today was like, ‘I’m going on a playdate!’ I was like, ‘Ok!’ Why Celebs Go Dating? I haven’t had much luck in relationships and I’ve struggled to find a long-term partner since my last break-up. I’m at a stage in my life where I’m looking for something serious. What has your dating history been like? I’ve been on Made in Chelsea for almost seven years and I’ve had two serious girlfriends on the show.

I was with Liv Bentley for three years, on-off, and it was a turbulent, very public relationship. I wanted someone who has a calming energy who I can be vulnerable with. The agents highlighted how I have a wall up so this was a nice way to learn more about myself.

What surprised you about the show? The number of dates you go on! There were times where I dated four girls at once. I would never normally date more than one person at a time as I wouldn't have the emotional capacity, but the agents help to process that. I’m not going to complain! What did you learn about yourself? An ugly truth is better than a beautiful lie - I try to not let people down but I learnt to be transparent with people about how I’m feeling.

I’m also a desperately awful flirt and I flirt with everyone. On my first date, I flirted with Tom, Anna, Helen, Lauryn - I was told off for flirting with them all. Why Celebs Go Dating? I’ve done two reality dating shows now and I’m still aggressively single at the age of 34.

I clearly need help! How did you find the sessions with the experts? Getting feedback in any part of your life is difficult but I think I’m immune to it after doing dating shows. I have an out of body experience and just don’t believe it’s me in the moment to cope with it. I learnt that I’m a massive deflector, I don’t like serious conversations.

How did you find the dates? I had a lot of fun - although there was one date when I was trying to end it three times but the girl kept saying, ‘No we just need to get to know each other better.’ I was trying to leave but I couldn’t. It was painful.

Will you use your new skills on Love Island again? I couldn’t do Love Island anymore - I’m retired. But I’m excited to go on a date where I’m not being filmed. I’m equipped with all the rizz and I’ve just got to deploy it.

I would love to do I’m A Celeb, Dancing on Ice or Strictly - a show where I learn something..

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