
A special “Celebrating the Land,” recently hosted in Harrison County’s Macedonia community, turned out to be a success, offering a chance of revival through music, the spoken word and more. “A special thanks to all the wonderful people who braved 95-degree temperatures to attend the rescheduled outdoor Celebration of the Land in the Macedonia Community,” said event organizer Velma Banks. The annual affair is the vision of Banks, a Marshall native, evangelist and retired social worker and professor, with the help of a crew of team members.

Banks said she grew up in the Macedonia community on land her family was blessed with, and wanted to share God’s blessings through an outdoor event or revival as a way to honor His goodness. The fourth annual event consisted of of fun, family activities along with the new addition of a special “Salvation Station,” For the occasion, James Williams, Macedonia Baptist Church member and setup coordinator, opened the event reading the Salvation Station theme from Psalm 24:1, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” Minister Natalia Parker delivered a powerful spoken word, “A Good Land,” from Deuteronomy 8:7-9A.

There was joyous singing led by Winfred ‘Bo’ Green Jr., owner of Green’s Professional Services; and Rita Phillips, co-owner of Bread of Heaven Enterprises, LLC. Bonnie Strauss and local nurse, Mary Wasike, led attending youth in a fun-filled activity.

In honor of the organizer’s father, Green pr.

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