
Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Opening the door to their beautiful Surrey home, Camilla Kerslake and Chris Robshaw are a picture of happiness. England rugby legend Chris is proudly cradling their newborn son, Hunter, while their three-year-old, Wilding, looks on in delight. The couple, who recently celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary, look well rested and fresh-faced, despite the chaos you’d expect with a new baby.

However, this wasn’t the scene just weeks earlier. Hunter arrived on 18 July weighing 6lbs 11oz, two weeks before his due date – and Camilla’s midwives were stuck in rush-hour traffic. Worried they wouldn’t reach Camilla in time for her planned home birth, they asked for back up, and in dramatic fashion two ambulances and six paramedics arrived at the couple’s home.

Chris, 38, who retired as a rugby union player earlier this year and now works in business development for an insurance company and due to appear on the forthcoming series of Celebrity: SAS Who Dares Wins , says, “I thought I was going to have to deliver the baby, but they sent an ambulance instead.” “They were all incredible,” Camilla, 36, says. “But my midwife arrived, perhaps an hour later than she would have liked, and we did have the birth plan we wanted.

“We had two ambulances outside and then my mother arrived – she’d been stuck in the same traffic – and she’s the kindest, most mild-mannered person, but in that moment, she was barging through asking to see me, but actually everything was fine.” It seems the Kerslake-Robshaws have settled into life as a family-of-four quickly, and singer Camilla puts this down to her confidence as a second time mum. She explains, “There are a lot of the things that I found really overwhelming the first time, that I don’t this time.

Now I feel like I can actually put my baby down and clean my teeth and he is going to be okay.” Welcoming us into their stunning five bedroom house for our exclusive shoot, the couple open up about their new family dynamic and speak candidly about the pressures of parenthood..

. Congratulations on baby Hunter! It sounds like you had some dramatic moments during labour..

. Camilla: At one point things were getting intense, but in the end it was exactly what we wanted. I was in the pool, it was four hours from start to finish.

It was amazing - dramatic in the middle - but a good story for when he’s older. And I’m even more grateful for the NHS than I was before. Was it always the plan to have a home birth? Camilla: I very much believe that everyone should have the birth they want, whether in a hospital, or at home.

In Britain they let you do that. In America, it’s incredibly medicalised [Camilla gave birth to Wilding in San Diego in 2021]. I’ve had very low risk pregnancies, my physiology lends itself to being pregnant and giving birth and I was incredibly lucky that I had two really healthy pregnancies, so I didn’t see it as a medical emergency that needed to be in a hospital setting.

It was incredible, an hour after he was born it was just us and the baby. I ate pizza, and then waddled upstairs with Hunter at 10pm and we had a pretty good night’s sleep, the first night in our own bed. Did you use any other techniques during labour like hypnobirthing? Camilla: Yes, and I really do believe that hypnobirthing and my breathing helped.

I got him out in one contraction, it was amazing. The midwife put it down to a combination of my singing, weightlifting and the fact that I’ve been doing yoga since I was about 19. Yoga gives you flexibility and weightlifting gave me a lot of strength and power.

Oh, and I had a really good playlist! Tell us about the songs you chose...

Camilla: Hunter emerged to Songbird by Eva Cassidy, which is one of my favourites. The playlist was basically full of powerful people who made me feel like a powerful, goddess of a woman, so Beyoncé, Shania Twain, we had some Stormzy on there too. Was Wilding there for the birth? Camilla : Yes, he was running round and being adorable and cute, he was my oxytocin but then when they were checking me over and stuff it was a bit stressful for him.

Wilding was named after suffragette Emily Wilding Davison. Where did Hunter’s name come from? Camilla: We knew he was a boy, but we wanted a unisex name, and it’s quite hard finding one to match Wilding. Chris: We wanted a name associated with nature, like River.

There were a few but Hunter was the frontrunner. Camilla: He was actually named after Rachel Hunter. I grew up in New Zealand [Camilla moved there when she was one] and she’s a hero there and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

We just wanted a powerful name. Is Wilding enjoying his new role as big brother? Chris: For the first few weeks, he was so kind, but in the last week he’s playing up a bit. Maybe a bit of jealousy? Camilla: He had a full-on tantrum.

He doesn’t ever have a tantrum so we didn’t know what to do. I think he’s just trying to push me more than Chris. Chris is his favourite, and that’s difficult to adjust to.

It can be easy for mums to feel guilty when we have a new baby...

Camilla: I think it’s why I haven’t been napping because I want to give all my time to Wilding. I feel guilty that I’m not spending the same amount of time with him as I am with Hunter. It must be traumatic to be the centre of someone’s universe and then all of a sudden you have to share this with someone else.

Chris, how do you feel about being a dad of two? Chris: It’s been so nice, as this time around I’ve got 10 weeks paternity leave. When we had Wilding I was playing rugby and I went back to work the next day. We’re also lucky that we have both grandparents nearby.

How is it going from a family of three to four? Camilla: The amount of stuff we used to take out for Wilding was ridiculous! I went out for a walk the other day in a papoose and I literally took just one nappy. Chris: Though it does take us a lot longer to leave the house now than it did before. Packing up the pram takes long enough! Are you more relaxed as second time parents? Chris: We’re so much more confident.

Before we had Wilding I was so nervous about holding a newborn, but now I’m carrying Hunter around with one arm. Camilla, you have been doing yoga since a young age, have you started any post-natal exercises? Camilla: I have a trainer called Izzie Brooks. She’s an osteopath and strength coach and she trained me from about week 12 of my pregnancy til about week 35.

It’s more core rehabilitation than losing weight. I’m not interested in fat loss right now, it’s more about strength and it’s good for mental clarity. I try to do 10,000 steps a day and it’s good for the baby to be outside as well.

Your attitude to your post baby body is admirable...

Camilla: I’m still two stone overweight and I did have a moment where I worried about it and I hate myself for it now. [Snapping back] is just a bullshit narrative. I’ve stopped weighing myself.

I saw a post recently from a woman who’d had a baby 10 days before, and she was back in her size eight jeans. That’s amazing for her, but it’s incredibly unusual so I think maybe don’t post about it and make other people feel bad. What qualities do you admire in each other as parents? Camilla: When we met, we knew that we eventually wanted kids, but they were not a priority.

I’d say to younger people that if you want children, don’t just pick a partner for yourself, pick a partner for your kids. Go for someone who will put you and your children first. I fell in love with Chris for his kindness.

And since we’ve had children, I’ve fallen in love with him all over again. Chris: I think the fact she’s been so supportive of me over the years. And to see her now raise our two boys, how loving, caring and absolutely amazing she is.

She challenges me as well, which is good. You need someone who supports you, but also pushes you in the right direction. Have you heard from your celebrity friends? Camilla: I had a really nice message from [touring partner] Alfie Boe.

I haven’t seen him yet as it’s the summer holidays and he has children, but I’m sure I’ll see him very soon. You lived in America. Would you ever go back or is this home now? Chris: The plan was always to come home.

We loved living in San Diego, the lifestyle was incredible, but you need support around you. We’d love to live abroad again, maybe while the children are small. It might be a bit more complex as they get older.


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